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Tiny arms hug me from behind. I'm engulfed by the scent of oranges. "I'm so, so sorry," Anna's voice says into the middle of my back as she squeezes me. "Will you ever forgive me?"

It's the following day, and I'm standing in front of my locker in the break room at work. We texted last night after Taehyung sneaked away - and after appa got over being amazed that he never heard Anna's car drive up, and why she didn't come inside? Ugh. Once you tell one lie, plan on telling about 20 more, because they pile up like garabage.

"There's nothing to forgive," I tell her. I'm just relieved she didn't think I ditched her for Taehyung - or ask why I was with him. "But for Halloween, I'm dressing up like a tree and you're going as a sloth. I'll carry you around while you eat my leaves."

"You probably could," she says, releasing me and lean against the lockers, arms crossed. "You've got all that secret strength for taking down boys. Were you on varsity wrestling team in Seoul? Monetery got a taekwondo team, you know. The Money Girls."

I snort a laugh. "No, I didn't know that, but I'll keep it in mind for this fall."

"Look, I really am sorry for losing you at the bonfire. I didn't mean to. I don't even know how it happened. Frank started talking to me and you just disappeared. Someone said you were talking to the twins -"

"I was. They introduced me to someone else. I don't know. I'm not great at being social," I admit. "Anyway, it all worked out."

She looks around the break room. Only a few people are there, and no one's paying attention to us. "So, yeah. Do tell. Taehyung took you home? And . . . ?"

"And what?" Aish. So much for avoiding that topic. I can feel my face getting hot, so I busy myself feeling around inside my locker for some nonexistent thing.

"I'm just saying, the two of you are spending an awful lot of time together and asking an awful lot of questions about each other -"

"I haven't asked any questions." Have I?

"And you're giving him an awful lot of looks that say I'd like to jump on you with my strong taekwondo strength. And he's giving you looks that say I'd like to surf your waves."

"You are kinky."

"Mhmm. Let's see about that," she murmurs, and than calls out past me in a happy voice. "Afternoon, Tae Tae."

"Hello, ladies."

My heart jumps to a rapid pace. I attempt to look casual, stay cool as I turn to my right. But there he is, hand braced on my locker, and whatever self-control I tried to muster just blows away.

"You're still alive, so I guess everything went okay with your dad," he says.

"No problems," I confirm.

"Good, good. Glad to hear it."

"Yeah." Is it just my imagination, or does he smell extra Sex Wax-y today? Did he do that on purpose? Is he trying to seduce me? Or am I being sensitive? And - what the hell? - is the A/C broken in the break room, because it suddenly feels like the Hotbox up in here. Not to self: Do not think of the words "sex" and "wax" while he's standing in front of you. Ever.

"So, yeah," he says, sort of smiling to himself while he taps on the top of my locker. "I was just going to tell you, uh, both of you," he clarifies, looking over at Anna. "We got this new lock system . . . long story, but I have to help install it. So Yoongi and Maria will be dealing with all your Hotbox needs today. You know, in case you wondered where I was."

"Because we're always thinking about you," Anna says sarcastically.

"I know you are, Anna," he replies, giving her a wink. He leans a little closer, hanging on my locker, and speaks to me in a lower voice. "So anyway, I was wondering what you're doing after work."

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