♥08♥ Animal Kingdom Arc - Heroes vs Lone Wolf

Start from the beginning

Kirishima gasped out in pain and his grip on her loosen to the point of letting her go free. Yuuki shook him off and she did a high back kick at Bakugou's chin, sending him flying back! 

"Sh-she defeated Bakugou and Kirishima!" Sero shouted from above. 

Yuuki's ears perked and she glared up at Sero, as if to say he's next to go down. When she stepped away, she felt two hands grabbed her. One grabbed her by the tail, the other at her ankle. She looked down to see Bakugou grabbed her by the tail and Kirishima grabbed her ankle. From the look of things, neither of them were willing to let her go free. 

"Remember me, you idiot ratel..." Bakugou looked up at her, "Remember me, goddamit...!" She's within his reach! There's no way he's letting go now! The little boy who once had her as a pet just had closure! He's not letting her leave again!

But she couldn't remember. She couldn't remember because she's not in the right state of mind. She's exactly just like a wild animal, rabid and blood thirsty. She decided to pierce her claws right into Bakugou's spine-

"Recipro Burst!" Iida activated his Quirk's ability to move in a burst of speed! So fast that Yuuki didn't know or see what happened! He managed to save both Kirishima and Bakugou! He couldn't stand it! He couldn't stand seeing the hero who saved him becoming a mad animal! He wanted to save her! Just like the way she saved him without fear! 

"Oi! I don't need your help!" Bakugou snapped at him. He looked at Iida's engines and he looked at him again, "Look what you did! You burst your engine, you four-eyed fuckshit!" He did not appreciate the help at all because he saw himself as the best who needed no one.

"It's better than having you and Kirishima-kun down right now! Forget about your pride for one minute and think about what's more important!" 


"Yuuki-kun is straining herself! If she continues any further, she will die!" 

Bakugou then remembered what happened last time when she overexerted herself; in her first transformation, she reverted into a real honey badger. What will become of her when she's overexerting herself in this form? He looked at her to see she was tired and panting. "Yuuki..." 

Iida wasn't the only one who felt that way. Midoriya, Tokoyami, Kaminari, and the full awake Todoroki wanted to help too. 


"I'm sorry, Iida-kun. I just can't sit by and do nothing!" 

Iida smiled a little and he looked back at Yuuki with concern. "She's not turning back into a honey badger. What do we do?" 

"Preferably, one that will not harm her too much." Tokoyami reminded.

"We need to force her to remember who she is and who we are." Midoriya said to him. "We need to keep her down. 

"You have a plan?" Todoroki asked him. 

"Ah." Midoriya looked over his shoulder to see Kirishima had just finished passing out. "Kirishima-kun, are you still good to go?" 

"My head and back hurts. But if it's to get that girl back, I'll go through this to the end!" 

"Why are we following your plan?!" Bakugou shouted. 

"This isn't the time to fight, Kacchan! Yuuki-san needs us! She needs you!" Midoriya shouted sense back to the prideful boy.

Bakugou's anger simmered down a bit when he heard Yuuki roaring out in pain. He spat at the ground and he reluctantly listened. 

"W-we can do it if we try!" 'Why did I jump down too?! Holy crap, she look so scary right now!' Kaminari's legs were shaking, he was blatantly petrified of Yuuki. But he came down anyway, he needed to get a grip of himself and believe in his friends!

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