Chapter Three

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"Go!" Xaudora shouts at the top of her lungs. The line of girls shoots forward, me in the midst. My long braid flops on my back, stinging my skin. I pump my arms in rhythm with my running legs. I bottle up energy for later in the race. This is more of a sprint, not a marathon. I look ahead at Kutlipe. She is only a few paces in front of me. Esinara is neck to neck with her but I can see her stride is faltering as she struggles to maintain the speed. Dilete is gaining on me. I let her stay with me for a few paces but finally tire of her company and leap ahead. It is only me, Tatybe, and Kutlipe. I let them battle it out between themselves. The image of Kutlipe's face if she loses to me, a brand new racer, spurs me on. I watch as Tatybe slowly passes Kutlipe. Kutlipe's face is full of shock so it is clear she has nothing to fall back on.

The sweat blurs my vision. I swipe my hand across my eyes and refocus. I am passing Kutlipe! It is only me and Tatybe. Just ahead, I see the finishing crevice in the sand. I start to pump my legs harder and harder but hold back. It is not vital that I win this race. This is Tatybe's last run. I slow down just enough to give her room to finish without competition. Tatybe reaches the finish first. But I have proven myself. I walk over to Tatybe who is talking excitedly with her friend.

"Congratulations," I praise, offering my hand. "It must feel good to win that last race against Kutlipe."

The tall girl turns to me.

"You could've beaten me," she says, her voice dripping with disdain. "You could've beaten both me and Kutlipe."

I shake my head. What I say next I know to be true.

"Even if I had tried my hardest I wouldn't have won the race. All I wished was to beat Kutlipe. Her time to win was over. But it was clear. You have been running against her for years now. You deserved the win."

Her face softens.

"Thank you," she grins. "I do feel proud. But you are a force to be reckoned with! Coming in second with two most experienced runners in that same race. You're the one to beat now."

I blush.

"It is an honor hearing you say that. I would love your help and guidance in my training if you are willing."

Tatybe smiles.

"I would be glad to," she replies. I turn around to a sweaty Dilete. She grabs my hands and begins jumping up and down. I can't resist joining her.

"How did you do it?" a breathless Dilete asks when she is done jumping. Sil is running down the side of the viewing grounds to join us. Marmodia is only feet behind her. They both embrace me.

"Wonderful, Cleo! Wonderful!" Sil exclaims, ruffling my damp hair. The gentle sea breeze does nothing to cool me down.

"Good job, newbie," Marmodia says, not succeeding in keeping to smile from her face.

"Thanks, Mar," I respond, bursting with pride. Out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of Kutlipe. I excuse myself from my excited group of friends and walk over to where Kutlipe is whispering to her friends, her face angry.

"Excuse me," I say, tapping her shoulder. She whips around.

"Come to gloat, have we?" Kutlipe sneers, glaring at me. I shake my head.

"Of course not," I reply. "I came simply to congratulate you! You ran a good race."

She rolls her dark eyes.

"Go back where you came from. You clearly don't belong here," she hisses.

I stand there like a statue, hurt and shocked. Marmodia comes up behind me, fists clenched.

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