04. the investigation

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I am extremely sorry that I've been gone on this story for so long! I've been focusing on my Lucifer (A Case Of The Deckerstar. Check it out if you are intrested.) fic and I haven't been motivated to write this! I'm super sorry and I hope this chapter is going to make up for it!


Dean's pov.

When Dean opened his eyes, everything was extremely blurry and white. The room smelled sterile and something was beebing next to Dean.

It took a few moments for Dean to realise that he was in a hospital. He started to panic and tried to sit up quickly, but soon realised that it hurt way too much to sit, so he slumped back on the bed frustraded.

It felt like hours, but after some time a nurse came in to check on Dean. "Oh mr. Winchester you are awake! How are you feeling right now?" The nurse asked and checked on Dean's vitals.

"Hurts like a bitch and I'm a little dizzy, but pretty good. What happened?" Dean said and looked at the nurse. If Dean wasn't gay he would hit on her for sure. She was hardly 25 year old looking, brown haired and brown eyed. She was really pretty.

"You were on a car accident, dear." The nurse explained shortly and finished her check in. Dean didn't say anything, he just nodded.

"Now do you want visitors right now or will I tell them to wait a little longer?" The nurse questioned, when she was at the door.

"If my brother is here, then yes." Dean said and the nurse smiled. "I'll bring him." She replied and left.

After a few minutes a boy with a messy black hair entered the room. He stared at Dean with out saying anything.

"Excuse me who are you?" Dean asked. The boy walked closer and Dean noticed how blue his eyes were.

"I'm Castiel." The boy said simply.


Cas' pov.

4 hours before...

Castiel and Gabriel parked in front of house Dean's appartment was supposed to be.

They climbed two sets of stairs and knocked on the door. No response

They waited for a few minutes longer and tried again.

"I feel like he's not home Cassie..." Gabriel mumbeled. Castiel shook his head

"He must be!" Castiel shrieked. He knocked for the third time, holding back tiers.

Gabriel attacked Castiel with a hug and repeated the words "it's okay, we'll find him" to him. Castiel couldn't stop crying and hugged Gabriel back.

After quite some time, maybe minutes, maybe hours Castiel calmed down and they left the building.

They decided to go back to Michael and ask about Dean's relatives.

They parked Castiel's blue ford and hopped of the veacle.

They stompped over to Michael, who was working on a car. "Hey Mike, do you know any of Dean's relative's?" Castiel questioned and looked around the garage.

Michael slid from under the car and answered: "uh yeah, his little brother Sam. I think I have his number somewhere. Follow me."

They walked to a small office, which was full of papers out of order. Michael searched for about, five minutes, before holding up a white paper, with neatly written numbers.

Part of Castiel just wanted to grab the paper and call Sam immidietly, but what was he going to say? "Hey Sam, I'm your brother's soulmate and I'm worried, that he was in an accident.

"What are we going to say?" Castiel asked, while Gabriel took the number and dialed it on his phone. "I have no idea, but good luck, Cassie!" He smiled and handed over the phone, before going to talk with Michael.

Gabriel's phone was already ringing and few seconds after a man, with deep voice answered.

"Hello Sam speaking. Who is this?" He said.


Hello. Sorry cliffhanger (two actually)!

I only today noticed that I've been gone on this story for a month! I'm sorry!

Thanks for the reads!

Sorry again, I'm in a bad place mentally and I just wanted to write new chapters to inform y'all and y'know content.


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