Chapter 21

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Nothing is adding up anymore. Either I'm going crazy or something's really wrong with me. I've been throwing up everyday for a couple weeks now. I must be going through something. I don't even know anymore. 

On a somewhat bright side, school's going okay. Socs still bug me. I guess it doesn't matter because I've always got someone around sticking up for me. That's what we do for each other. We're all close so why not?  Speaking of close... Man, me and Ponyboy are inseparable. Everyone's always finding us together. Since my birthday, we've been basically attached to the hip.

A couple of the boys called us out on it before, but we're afraid to admit that we like each other so much. What would the others say? 

"I'm hunting some action tonight," Dally says as we come home from school. He's talking to the rest of the boys.

"Any of you wanna go?" he asks. 

"What exactly are you wanting to do?" Steve asks him. 

"I don't know, man. Go to the movies or something down there at the, uh, the Nightly Double." 

"I'll go," I offer. Dally kinda smiles and nods. 

"Sure. I'll go too. What about you Johnny?" Pony says. 

"Eh, I don't know. I guess," Johnny answers with a shrug. 

"I swear. You three are always doing something," Darry says, pointing to Johnny, Ponyboy, and me. 

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask. He shakes his head and laughs a little. I then randomly remember that it's a Friday night so Darry's real cool about letting us go out. He'll probably give us a curfew anyway. Typical. 

"I'll probably catch up with y'all there," Two-Bit says. 

"Cool. Alright, we better get going," Dally tells us. 

"We're gonna take our books in, and then we'll meet you out here," Ponyboy explains. He and I quickly jog inside. Since I've got all his school stuff in my room, he follows me in the door. Since we're real close now, I feel like I can tell him something I'm about to without feeling weird. 

"Why am I getting so fat?" I ask, poking my slow-growing abdomen. 

"You ain't getting fat," he says. I look at him. 

"Then what is this?" I poke myself again. 

"Will you cut it out? You're gonna hurt yourself." 

"Not with all this in the way."

He laughs.  "It's nothing. I think you're seeing stuff. Now c'mon. Dal's waiting on us," he says. 

"Yup. It's fat," I confirm. 

"Kaylee!" he scolds as we walk out my door. 


"Quit saying that." We walk out the front door, but not before I grab his jacket since he forgets a lot. 

"Then it's... Nope. Fat."

He smiles widely.  "Shut your trap," he says playfully. I giggle a little. Jeez. I think I'm bipolar. I'm bored one second and then bubbly the next. Must be because I was around Ponyboy. Oh how cute. I got myself a little admiring for him.  My back begins to hurt as I walk down the steps. That's weird for even me. I never have troubles with my back. I wonder what's causing it to hurt so bad. 

"You ready to go?" Dal asks, clapping his hands together. 

"Yeah. Let's go," I answer. We begin walking down the back ways to get there. 

The young lovers ( ponyboy fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant