An Assembly

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Has there ever been anything more torturous, insufferable, and soul-crushingly mundane than the enigmatic subject of mathematics? It had to be the most excruciating subject to have ever been forced upon unwitting students throughout history.

And this wasn't only due to the fact that your mathematical skills were considered abysmal. Oh no. With every school you had been enrolled in, there was not a single student ever encountered who had openly admitted to having math as their favourite subject. And how could they? Addition, subtraction, multiplication - they're all fine. But then some idiot decided to include letters. Letters! Honestly, who in their right mind would do something like that?! As if you were ever going to need to know what Y and X were equivalent to.

Upon entering the classroom, the first thing you notice is Kadar sitting in the second row by the wall - and there was an empty spot directly behind him! Finally. Here was your chance to get some answers. You wasted no time in claiming the empty seat.


He refuses to turn around.

You shift uneasily and try again. "Kadar."

Still no response.

You know he can hear you because you're using what adults like to refer to as an 'outside' voice; he's deliberately ignoring you. Big mistake. Being ignored had to be the worst thing anyone could do to you. And it's not as though you did anything to deserve this unwarranted neglect - at least not to your knowledge. Well you aren't about to allow him get away with such childish behaviour. There is no hesitation as you pick an eraser from your bag and hurl it directly at the back of his head.

He flinches at the contact, one hand flying to the back of his head. "Hey!" He turns sharply in his seat to face you; it's possible that the expression he wore meant to convey anger, but the puffed out cheeks were just far too adorable to be taken seriously.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did your head get in the way of my eraser?" There was a slight condescension to your tone, making you sound bitchier than intended. Oh well. People needed to know straight from the get go that the one thing you detested more than anything was secrets - and being ignored. The truth may suck sometimes, but at least everyone is on the same page.

Kadar picked up the offending weapon with narrowed eyes and mumbled, "I can't believe you threw an eraser at my head. I could've lost an eye or something..."

One of your brows raise in a way that blatantly says, 'are you frigging serious?' "Yeah, those erasers are a real hazard." At least now you held his undivided attention. "Why have you been ignoring me today?"

"I haven't been ignoring you."

He goes to turn back around but you practically dive across your desk to prevent him from doing so; he squeaks when feeling your fingers bite into his shoulder. "Kadar, you've done nothing but avoid eye contact and run whenever I've tried talking to you." Your expression softens. "Please, if I've done something to upset you, then you need to tell me. So I can fix it."

Baby blue eyes drop to the floor. "I thought you had left." You strain to hear him. "You made a promise to me a few weeks ago - you remember? We were going to spend every day together until you needed to return home. But you didn't. And I...I thought you had left." He finally lifts his gaze to meet yours. "Why did you break your promise?"

Guilt ate away at your soul; it was unearned guilt, but guilt nonetheless. "I...I didn't mean..." Oh, man, this was harder than imagined. You clear your throat and try again. "I made a promise to you and I broke it. For that I am very, very sorry, Kadar. Honest. But..." Now came the hardest part, "I had a good reason. I didn't not hang out with you because I didn't like you. I didn't hang out with anyone parents, they...they, um...they died.."

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