profiteroles. | eita semi.

Start from the beginning

"Really, you don't say," The male replied sarcastically, letting out a huff of exasperation as his arms fell to his sides. "Then pull up on your phone so I can read from there."

"Sure, let me find it, it's gotta be beneath one of these flour bags." She responded, parting from his side to search through the numerous flour bags she bought in preparation for the treats, taking a minute or two before she finally located the mobile device. "Found it!" The (h/c) female exclaimed, thrusting the electronic into the air as if she were the protagonist showing the player what object she had discovered in a Legend of Zelda title.

".. You're so careless," Semi huffed, giving her an unamused stare, which brought a small yelp from her throat before she made her venture back over to the male, and pulled up the recipe.

"Profiteroles... profiteroles... profiteroles... ah, here we are!" (f/n) spoke with excitement as she tilted the screen to face the male, zooming in so the texts were clearer to read.

"Hmm.. okay, (f/n)-chan, can you preheat the oven to 425° F?"

"Hey, why are you asking if I can?! I'm not a weakling, I'm very strong!"

".. I'm asking so I can rule out the possibility of any fire starting due to your carelessness, since you're afraid of fire." He spoke with no expression in his tone, complimenting his voice with a blank canvas plastered upon his face.

To this, the girl puffed up her cheeks and mimicked his words as she made her way over to the oven, turning the knob to the instructed temperature.

Semi looked back down at the phone, using his pointer finger to scroll down to the next step in the recipe.

"Okay... In a small saucepan combine the ½ cup of water, ½ stick of butter, and pinch salt and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and add the ½ cup all-purpose flour all at once and stir it vigorously with a wooden spoon. Cook until the mixture has formed a ball and has a slightly sweaty sheen to it and it has pulled away from the pan. I'll take care of this step, if I can find a saucepan that wasn't dirtied on the floor..." The male spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice as he shot a glance over to his baking partner, which she responded to by sticking out her tongue.

The blond sighed as he looked up into the cabinets hanging above the countertops, his eyes scanning the storage units before he spotted a suitable saucepan, which he pulled out with a small smile as he placed it onto the stove. Then, he'd begin the instructed steps, during on the stove and carefully pouring and mixing the ingredients. He felt his station briefly to reach for the wooden spoon in the utensils drawer, pulling out as he took hold of the cup of flour, throwing it into the mixture and blending it all together with the wooden spoon.

The (h/c) girl returned to the countertop to read off the next set of directions to her helper, doing so with great enthusiasm.

"Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl and let cool for 3 to 4 minutes. The mixture does not have to be cold, just cool enough not to cook the eggs when added. I'll get the eggs, Semi-Sem, don't you worry!"

To this, the boy released yet another sigh at the childish being as he turned off the stove and went back in the cabinets in search for a mixing bowl, taking a minute or two before finding a suitable one and removing it from the small storage unit.

Placing the mixing bowl down on the flour-covered countertop, Semi picked up the saucepan and transferred the mixture to the bowl, watching each droplet of batter with great focus.

Two minutes would pass before the girl made her dramatic arrival, walking to the counter with a strut, an egg in each hand, as if she were on a fashion runway.

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