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"An...alliance?" Mark replied in disbelief as he shook his head.

"We can hunt down Natemare and make him pay for what he's done, it'll help other people too." Signe chimed in.

"Like I said, everyone here is just trying to survive, we shouldn't have to kill other people to do that." Sean added.

"Okay, okay. I'll create an alliance with your gang." Mark decided, earning sighs of relief from Sean's gang.

"You should stay here while we hunt down Nate-"

"No, I know where he was last, I know how to find him." Mark interrupted with surprising ferocity.

"Okay, just be careful." Amy warned him as Ethan and Tyler helped him stand, Mark's face twisted in pain as he wrapped an injured arm around his abdomen.

"Where are we going then?" Robin spoke up as he looked at Mark.

"Last time I heard about his whereabouts is when Matt from the Frederichi gang was killed by a sniper. Knowing Nate, that's definitely him." Mark answered as he limped forward.

Sean flinched at the name as a wave of painful memories crashed over him, reminding him how he had failed the people that had tried so hard to help him.

"So you think he's still near mid-city?" PJ interjected, changing the subject much to Sean's relief.

"That's where he was last, so it's a good place to start looking at least." Mark shrugged.

"Don't bother."

Sean turned just in time to see Nate standing in the doorway with a gun in hand aimed at Felix, his finger pulling the trigger.

Sean tackled the Swede to the floor and dragged him to the back of the room, watching warily as Mark approached the obviously angry male.

Ethan and Tyler reached for their weapons, only for Nate to fire a warning shot between the males that made them freeze.

"What the hell are you doing Nate?!" Mark shouted in rage as he stood in front of the black haired male.

"You let her die! If I can't be happy with the woman I love, than neither can anyone else!" Nate snapped back.

"You killed Marzia, didn't you?!" Felix snarled at Nate.

"I was aiming for you since you had left us, but she just had to get in the way." Nate shot back in an irritated tone.

"You son of a bitch!" Felix yelled as he charged towards him, only to be stopped by Sean.

"No, no one else has to die today." Sean growled as he lightly shoved Felix back, his attention then turning to Nate.

"Stay out of this, this is between Mark and I." Nate warned Sean as he shifted his aim from Felix to Mark.

"I'm sorry about Cristina, but that wasn't my fault." Mark told Nate in a gentle tone, his hands held up in a sign of peace.

"You let her scavenge that apartment building even though you knew that it wasn't safe!" Nate shot back.

"I warned her that the structural integrity was weak, but she didn't listen!" Mark countered defensively.

"You wouldn't let me go back in and look for her." Nate whispered, his tone laced with heartbreak.

"We were being attacked, we had to go then or else more people wouldn't died. I can't risk the lives of many for the life of one." Mark reminded him.

"You can't understand the pain." Nate hissed as he gripped his gun tighter, shifting his aim to Amy.

He pulled the trigger before anyone could stop him, the bullet piercing through her knee.

Amy screamed in pain as she fell to the floor, tears spilling from her eyes as blood rushed from her injured knee.

"I'll make one of you understand, no matter what it takes!" Nate yelled over her sobs.

Sean moved to protect Signe, only for Nate to hit him in the face with his weapon and drag Signe over to him.

"SEAN!" Signe screamed as Nate held her hostage, the gun moving between her head, Amy's, and the others standing in front of him.

Should Sean talk to Nate?

Save Amy?


Save Signe?

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