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I can't do this, Sean realized as he glanced back at the rain soaked couple that had risked their lives and their friend's lives for him.

He made a tight turn to the right and drove back towards them, shame and guilt burning in his heart as he returned.


Before Sean could reach them, there was a scream from Amanda as Matt's body fell to the ground, his blood mixing with the rain to form a crimson halo around his head.

Sean sped up the quad and grabbed Amanda's hand, dragging her onto the back of the vehicle as he raced inside.

Amanda sobbed as Sean parked the quad, leaving her alone as he ran out to Matt.

Bullets flew by him, but he couldn't care.

His stomach screamed in pain as he ran, but he couldn't care.

All he cared about was reaching Matt.

His heart thrummed in his ears as he delicately scooped up Matt's body and ran back to the base with him in his arms bridal style, his blood staining Sean's shirt.

The others had woken up at the commotion and were now gathered around Amanda to console her as Sean laid Matt on the couch.

Bryan pushed through the crowd with a first aid kit in hand, his expression grim as he searched for a pulse.

Matt's blue eyes cracked open slightly to look at the people gathered around him, a faint smile lighting up his face.

"Amanda." Matt whispered weakly, the crowd parting to let her through to him.

"I-I wanna...see Luna." Matt pleaded, his breathing labored as Bryan worked to bandage the heavily bleeding bullet wound in his chest.

Joey darted from the room and returned with an infant girl with blonde hair in his arms, handing the child to Amanda.

"Hey...baby g-girl." Matt choked out as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, a tear trailing down his cheek as he looked up at Amanda.

"I love you." Amanda whispered, tears of her own streaming down her face like a waterfall.

"I know." Matt replied softly with a light smirk before his eyes fluttered shut, his chest falling with one last exhale before he fell still.

Luna grabbed Matt's arm with her tiny hands and shook it, attempting to wake him up as she was pulled away.

She started screaming and crying as Amanda took her away, unable to understand why he wouldn't wake up.

"Get out." Bryan hissed to Sean, his gaze cold.

Sean didn't even argue as he turned his back on the man whose death had been his fault, remorse gripping his heart as he stepped back out in the rain.

The hangar door slammed shut behind him with a bang, making him flinch slightly.

He had no idea where his base was from him and he was still hurt, the shooter possibly still there amongst the rooftops with his sights on him.

Should Sean try to find his friends?


Find the shooter and get revenge?

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