Mastering the brooms

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Slythering and Gryffindor had more than one lesson toghether 'Flying' it was one of the best lessons, Draco thought even though you only have it one year. Draco had practiseed when he was young but Hermione never got to, 'Not a sport for girls' their father used to say, it got on Hermiones nerves. She should be able to do the same things as her brother, being a girl didn't change her ability to sit on a broomstick.

The Slytherins were there before the Gryffindors, when they finslly came Proffessor Hooch said.

" Well what are you waiting for? Everyone stand by a broomstick."

They all took place and Hermione found her place on the left side of ' The boy who lived'

"Come on, hurry up. Stick out your right hand and say 'Up!'"

They did as Proffessof Hooch had said and too both their suprise it went straight up. Hermione feelt proud and Draco wore the Malfoy smirk looking at they others who couldn't get it up. Then his eyes stopped at Harry Potter who had his broom in his right hand, Draco's smirk faded quickly, he was not going to be over shadowed by Potter.

" I think the brooms can somehow feel if you're scared " Harry whispeard in Hermione's ear

" Think so too " The girl ignored the butterflies in her stomach trying to act normal.

" Now when I blow my whistle you kick off from the ground hard. Keep your brooms steady and rise a few feet and then come straight back down by leaning forard slightly"

They all gripped their brooms tighty and held it in place

" On my whistle three-two.."

One boy, Logbottom, had already kicked of the ground and he was rising a feet every second. He fell down after a while and Proffessor Hooch went with him to the infirmary.
A ball fell out of the boy's pocket while he was flying, Draco was fast to get it and noticed it was a remebrall.

" Look, it's that supid thing Longbottom's gran sent him " Draco sneerd at Harry.

" Give it here, Malfoy " Draco pretended not to be affected but his heart was quickening.

" Draco come on don't be stupid " Hermione did not want to get into trouble their first week.

" I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find " He then looked at his sister with dangerous eyes " Don't ever call me supid again" He said just high enough for her to hear, Hermione was scared, she had seen her father with the same expresion and nothing good came afterwards. Then the blond boy was high up in the air.

" Come and get it Potter" The green eyed boy climed his broom and flew up to the same level

" Give it here, or I'll kncok you off that broom!"

" Is that so? Catch it then " He threw the remebrall and Harry flew right after it, if it  hit ground it will shatter, and Harry wouldn't get it on time. Then a flash of blond hair passed before Harry, Hermione had mounted her broom and got the remebrall, there were shouts and cheers all around until...

" HARRY POTTER AND HERMIONE MALFOY " it was one furios Proffessor McGonagall

" I'm sorry Harry " Whispeard Hermione

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