The Sorting Hat

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When all the first years arrived the went into a little room, Draco is not at all as nervous as Hermione because she has been dwelling on if she acually belongs in Slytherin what if she doesn't, how will her parents react or more how will her father react. She knows what he has been doing to her mother, she always has bruises on her cheek or scars on her arm. She puts a spell when she goes out but sometimes she forgets at home...
Behind her people scream and she looks back to what it is only to find something almost transparant going right through her. It is Ser Nicolas, she had read about him in Hogwards: a history. Then the ghosts were all gone Draco was confused and a little bit scared but he recovered quickly. The doors opened and they stepped out into the Great hall, all faces were on the first years, it made both the siblings stand taller and chin up.

" When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted" Proffessor McGonagoll said.

" Abott, Hannah!" a girl, with according to Draco, very ugly blond pigtails sat down.

" HUFFLEPUFF!" The sorting hat shouted. They both stopped listening til one name came up

" Malfoy, Hermione!" The girl was shaking as she sat down on the stool, the last thing she could see was her brother giving the trade mark Malfoy smirk at her. Then all she could hear was the sorting hat

" Where to put you maybe gryffindor" at the words she stiffend " no, no not that"

" SLYTHERIN!" she walked with a skip in her steps

" Malfoy, Draco!" he was not afraid at all the hat barly toched his head until it screamed


The twins sat down next to a pair of guys, their names were Crab and Goyle. Another new slytherin sat down next to Hermione.

" Soo you're sister to that guy over there " The girl with short black hair said, pointing at Draco se looked a little familiar thought Hermione

" Yes, Why?"

" Well I was just wondering if you could tell your brother that I exist?" The girl gave a small laugh" I think he wouldn't notice me at all if you don't" Hermione felt kind of disgusted to think that this girl would be with her Drake, but still this was the first and maybe only friend so she nodded.

" Thanks, I'm Pansy by the way, you?"

" I'm Hermione"

" Oh, I think we went in the same school, well you know before this" That confirmed her thought " You're kinda smart aren't you?" Hermione didn't know what to answer so she just said

" That depends on who you're compairing with" That got a smile out of Pansy, it made Hermione feel proud for some reason. Then Proffessor Dumbeldor started talking

" Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwards! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddament! Tweak! Thank you!"

Pansy turned back to Hermione and said

" What was that?" as unussual at it is for Hermione to say these words she felt no shame saying them to Pansy

" I don't know " Draco tapped on Hermione's shoulder and whisperd in her ear

" 'Mione I think this is going to be a good year "

" I think so to Drake"

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