Potion time

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The first years in Slytherin were more relaxed than the Gryffindors, it was beacause they would have Proffesor Snape. All the first years were scared of him but since he was the head of Slytherin he favourd them, wich was good because Slytherin had a reputation of getting in trouble. The siblings knew Snape better than any other students so they were even a little happy to have him, he was Draco's Godfather and Hermione's too. As they entered they saw a dark out room with cauldrons on each table. The wood creaked with the weight of the students.
Proffessor Snape started the lesson with a Roll call.

" Parkinson " The girl Hermione had talked to answerd with a quick yes.

" Thomas"

" Here " a boy in the back said

" Mr. Malfoy" a smirk almost a smile dangeld on Proffessor Snape's lips

" Here" Draco said, he was eager to show Snape that e could be the best in his class, after his dear sister who he thought
' knew the hole world by heart '

" Miss. Malfoy "

" Here " The girl said

" Ah, Yes Harry Potter our new celebrity" Draco could't help but snigger and Crab and Goyle joined in, Hermione smacked him on the arm, not so hard it would hurt but enough for him to get the point. As she looked back to Snape she could feel the gaze of green eyes on her, making her sit straighter and cover a smile with her hand.

* Harry (POV) *

I could't take my eyes off her, with her platinum blond hair and silver eyes. Then she made the other Malfoy, the rude and mean one shut up. I'm snapped back to reality by Snape.

" You are here to learn the subtil sience and exact art of potion making..." I stop listening, probably a bad idea but I can't stop myself after a while Ron smacks my arm

" What was that for!" I hiss through gritted teeth

" Potter!" I look at Snape, his eyes are black as the night, a very fearful night with lots off terrors " What would I get if I added powderd root of an asphodel to an infusion of wormwood " What? Am I accually supposed to knnow this?

" I don't know sir" is all I can get out. In the corner of my eye Hermione's hand is streched high she definatly knows this.

" tut-tut - fame clearly isn't everything, lets try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me an abezoar"

" I do-" Hermione interups eager in her voice.

" If you add a root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood you would get one of the strongest sleeping posions, known as Draught of Living Death. To find an abezoar check a goats stomac it is used to cure most poisions" She knew all that by heart, I'm impressed.

" Very good Miss. Malfoy. Ten points to slytherin, and you should study more Potter, five points from Gryffindor" Cheers and complaints dominated the room, Hermione surley would be one of the smartest witches in history, but she would be known for something else. I don't know how I know this but I just do.

Gut-feeling I guess. Her frizzy blonde hair will be known for something else than just her name, wait why am I still thinking about her!


Hope you liked it and please comment anything you can think of.


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