Chapter 4

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It's so annoying when you want to go for a smoke and relax but then you get shot at.

Breathing the smoke out through my nose I dodged the attacks a random guy was sending me. He didn't seem like he was sent by someone since his moves are extremely sloppy.

I sighed in exasperation before knocking him out with my left hand. I'm not really surprised that I was still holding the cigarette in my right hand.

The guy on the floor didn't really put up much of a fight.

I took out my gun, shot him in the head, and walked off. I gingerly finished my cigarette before sensing someone walking behind me.

Containing my anger I let him get close enough to me and pretended to fall unconscious as he hit me in the head.

You'll have to hit me a hell of a lot harder than that to knock me out.

He was really gentle as if they've person has done this to me before?....

Oh, fuck no Jungkook better put me down in 5 seconds before I roundhouse kick his sorry ass to the fucking floor.

As if my prayers were answered by an unknown force I was placed down in what felt like a leather car seat.

I didn't move for a full 15 minutes before feeling the car stop and hearing the door opening.

I heard gravel crunching under Kook's feet before he opened the door on my side and picked me up.

We travelled through a series of different doors and hallways from what my hearing was telling me.

I heard him open another door before feeling us descending downstairs. It got colder as we reached the bottom.

I was placed on what felt like a wooden chair before having my arms and feet tied to the chair.

All of a sudden I feel Jungkook hug me and put his head on my shoulder.

"I'm so fucking sorry my love, what I did was a mistake and I never should've listened to her. Please forgive me, I love you so much" my heart clenched when I felt his tears soak my shirt.

If he knew I was awake and he thought that by doing this he would earn my trust again he's dead fucking wrong.

He told me he loved me and that he would marry me. Next second I find him making out with a blonde bitch in the hallways of a club.

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