"No way!" Tut slurred. "Wonder what the dude smells like."

"Yeah. Now I'm curious, let's all have a smell." Ban grabbed King and started to sniff him, and Tut soon followed suite.

"Smells like flowers." Tut observed.

"Kinda sickly sweet, isn't it?" Ban asked.

"H-Hey!" King exclaimed.

Not too long after, Gabriel, Sierra, Elizabeth, and Diane had also crowded around him. Brooks couldn't help herself and also moved near him.

"It smells so nice~" Sierra slurred.

"It smells... familiar." Diane muttered.

"It's what a fairy King should smell like." Elizabeth stated.

"Sweet." Brooks murmured.

"Guy's know it off! If you keep crowding me, I might-!" He cut off and changed form.

"Now he smells kinda sour." Ban stated.

"Eww..." Sierra groaned, taking a step back and covering her nose.

"Like Sweaty socks." Hawk mentioned.

"It's... It's not that bad you guys." King said, making an attempt to convince them.

"This one smells familiar too!" Diane exclaimed.

King reverted back to his kid-like form and tears were streaming down his face.

"Heh. Gross man." Ban stated.

"Don't let him get to you, Sir King." Elizabeth encouraged.

"Why are you making them gang up on me!" King shouted angrily at Gowther.

"I didn't do anything to you." Gowther stated.

"Of course you did! You started this mess, so you need to clean it up!"

"Well. Okay." Gowther stated, and her raised a finger, a small beam of blue light making it's way into Diane's, Ban's, and Brooks's necks.

What the hell? Brooks thought, slapping a hand over where the ray entered.

"Diane. You claim to be 29 feet tall, when in fact you know you're actually closer to 30." Gowther said, causing Dian's cheeks to go even redder and her to recoil back. "The fudging of your weight is even more severe." He continued, only to be punched into the ground receptively by Diane.

"What is wrong with you Gowther! Why do you have to be so mean! A lady's allowed to keep some secrets- you jerk!"

When the dust faded, it showed that Gowther wasn't even affected one bit by being hit repetitively. "And for you Ban, when we went against the Vampires twelve years ago, you got rather unreasonably drunk."

"Yeah, that's right. I got pretty hammered and decided not to join the mission. I said I was sorry." Ban stated, a beer bottle close to his lips.

"But you didn't apologize for using Physical Hunt to steal King and Diane's power. Or for laughing at them as you watched them both struggle." Gowther pointed out.

"That's mah man!" Tut slurred proudly from not too far away while King and Diane were glaring Ban down, both ready to attack.

"Oh, so that's why I felt so weak." Diane growled.

"That was you?"

After Diane crushed Ban in her hand, Gowther then looked at Brooks, and for some reason, she dreaded what he was going to say.

"And you, Brooks, Commander of the Zodiacs- despite what the history books say, you're actually the 2nd pri-."

In an instant, water was moving from her bottles to and covering Gowther's mouth. "If you know what's good for ya, I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut." She threatened, her blue eyes flashing amber for a second. It was a second before she manipulated the water back into the bottles around her waist, and Gowther just sent a blue ray towards King and cleaned his glasses of the small droplets.

"Knock it off, will you?!" King shouted.

"There's no need to air our dirty laundry. Right?" Meliodas asked.

"That's right!" King shouted. "I mean- not that I have any dirty laundry!" He shouted.

"You could of defeated that opponent without me, Or the Zodiac sign of Virgo, Vivian." Gowther stated. "You would of won easily if you had pushed your power to the absolute limit. Perhaps the alcohol is effecting my judgement but- Elaine?"

"Gowther no!" King shouted, in attempt for Gowther to stop talking.

"And this... Helbrem person. Who is he? It seems because of this man, you find yourself unable to- perhaps unable isn't the word."

"No no no no!" King shouted, this time, his moss bear- which had recovered from the fight- appeared and covered Gowther's mouth.

"Calm down, nothing to get worked up about." Meliodas stated.

"Oh yeah?" King asked.

"This is probably why you shouldn't delve so deep into people's memories, Gowther." Meliodas said.

"He's right. Gotta read the room a little, dude." Hawk added.

"Read the... room? Gowther asked with confusion.

As Gowther was talking about Elizabeth loving Meliodas, Brooks walked over to Aria and Vivian, the two had been drinking and talking the whole time they were talking with Gowther.

"Hey Commander... I think I may of pushed her a bit too much..." Vivian whispered, slowly moving to hide behind Brooks.

Oh no... she thought, watching as Aria stood up from where she was sitting and a dark aura was surrounding her. She turned around, a grin was on her face, and her cheeks were flushed.

"Who's ready to burn?!" She slurred, her power increasing slightly as flames surrounding both her fists.

"Aria. You don't want to do this." Brooks said, manipulating the water from her bottles and surrounding her own fists with the liquid.

Before Aria could throw a punch, she fell to the ground and fell asleep, much to Brooks' relief. Once drunk, Aria becomes almost as rational as Tut. And that wasn't a good thing. Thankfully, if she ended up drinking too much after that stage, she just passed out.

Returning the water to the bottles, Brooks sighed. "You mind taking Aria inside?" She asked, looking at Vivian.

"Sure..." Vivian said, stepping out from behind Brooks and draping the passed out girl over her shoulder. "I'm going to turn in also. Night." She said, walking into the pub."

Brooks sat down, enjoying the peace of the evening- despite the people partying behind her. I wonder who we'll find next. It's sure a mystery... isn't it?

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