Chapter 32

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The next morning, Brooks was sitting just outside the doorway of the pub, enjoying the fresh forest air washing over her. She saw the door open and watched as Elizabeth walked silently into the woods, a saddened look on her face. Getting up, Brooks decided to follow her, to make sure she didn't do anything rash, or, more likely, run into any dangers.

Elizabeth stopped just at the edge of a cliff, staring out towards the sun rising over the forest.

"Sister Veronica, rest in pease." She said quietly. "Just you wait, I'll bring back the days when laughter echoed throughout the realm, like the time we spent together. Even if it costs me my life."

"Princess." Brooks said, making her presence known to Elizabeth. "You're not going to die on this journey."

Elizabeth looked behind her, her eyes widening in surprise once she saw Brooks. "Lady Brooks! Did I wake you?"

Brooks chuckled lightly, "No, no, I was already awake. I can't really sleep well after battles. Besides, most of us are awake already. Though they're all training to get stronger after that battle." She walked up to Elizabeth and sat on the edge of the cliff, staring into the beautiful view of the rising sun. "You're from Danafor, aren't you princess?"

"Um... y-yes. I am." She answered, taken aback by the sudden question. "Though I don't remember much of it since I came here when I was really little."

Brooks smiled softly. "It was beautiful." She said wistfully. "A towering strong Kingdom. And beautiful surroundings. Forests, lakes, rivers, mountains." She let out a sigh. "I wish you could of seen it."

"There you are, commander." Sage said, walking out of the forest in his centaur form. "Everyone else is training, so I thought I'd come with you to be filled in on what exactly's happening."

"Right." Brooks said, "Let me explain it all from the beginning..." After telling Sage about everything that's happened up until the battle the day before, Brooks let out a sigh. "And that's when you arrived to snap me out of it."

"I see. So the reason you went all Nymph on those two were because they killed the princess?"

"Lady Brooks, why were you so angry about Big sisters death?" Elizabeth asked.

Sage looked at the princess with a confused look on his face. "She hasn't told you? This half nymph hybrid right here is-"

Just before Sage revealed Brooks' biggest secret, the ground started to shake, and a hill nearby split in half.

"Looks like Meliodas is amped up." Sage stated, looking over. "Hey Princess, can you give me and the Commander a moment alone? You can go talk to Meliodas."

"Oh, okay." Elizabeth said. "It was nice talking to you, Lady Brooks, Sir Sage." With that, Elizabeth walked into the forest, going o find a safe route for her to get to where Meliodas was.

"You never want to talk with me one on one Sage, whats's all this about?" Brooks asked.

"Nothing really, mainly I'm just wondering why you haven't told anyone about you being the second princess of Liones." He answered. "When you met us, that was the first thing you told us. 'Don't worry, as princess of Liones I promise you will be safe with me'." He mocked Brooks by heightening his voice to sound like a squeaky girl.

"I'm almost positive I have never said that." Brooks stated, looking at Sage with an unamused look in her eyes. "And to set your thoughts at rest, I haven't told them because they wouldn't believe me. I wasn't in any of the records as a princess, none of us were recorded in public books."

"Right, because we've been forgotten." Sage crossed his arms with a gruntled look on his face.

"Exactly." Brooks reached her arms up to the sky in a stretch, "I'm assuming everyone's still training?" She asked.

"Of course. Tut and Sierra had almost an even match with that Holy Knight. She came prepared. While Gabriel, Caspar, and Aria heard what happened with you guys and they're just getting stronger."

"What are the matchups?" Brook asked.

"Tut and Sierra, Aria and Gabriel, and Caspar is making sure nobody kills anybody." Sage answered. "I was fighting him, but we decided it would be best for a break."

"Understandable. These knights are way more determined than they were back then. They're willing to kill their royalty just because they did something they didn't like. They're heartless."

After that, the two of them were left watching the sun rise in peaceful silence. The Silence before the Storm.

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