Chapter 33

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The rest of that day was spent on the sins and the Zodiacs training, and it wasn't until late at night that they stopped to head for bed.

The next morning, they had arrived at a new village. Looking out from the pub, Brooks saw that the village in front of them was scattered by windmills and fields.

"Hey Captain." Diane said, standing next to Hawks Mom. "Is around here okay?"

"Yeah, it's a little far from town but we 'otta be alright." Meliodas responded.

"Are we finally stopping?" Sage asked from the ground as he covered his mouth with his hand as he yawned. He had refused to go inside the pub once he realized that it would be moving on the back of a giant hog. So he instead walked along with the group next to her. Which meant he was up all night walking.

Once Hawk's mom settled back into the ground, Brooks, Elizabeth, and Hawk gathered inside with Meliodas standing in front of them.

"All right everyone, why don't remember get ready to open up?" He said.

"Where are Ban and King?" Hawk asked.

"Those guys will be handling the food stocks, along with Caspar and Sierra." Meliodas responded, and Brooks nodded.

"Now Elizabeth, go down to the village and spread the word. And could you also buy some herbs while you're out there?"


"Hawk, you should go with her for support." Meliodas said, looking at Hawk.

"That's fine with me, but do you think she'll be okay?" Hawk asked.

"What? I'm perfectly capable of shopping!" Elizabeth fumed.

"I know. But the Holy Knights are still after you. Wouldn't it be better if you'd just stay here?"

"Staying cooped up would just get her down." Meliodas said. "It's fine, if anything happens I'll rush right there."

"If it bothers you that much, Hawk, I can go along with you guys." She glanced at Meliodas, "I don't think you'd need a waitress while the pub is closed."

"You're right. Then I guess all three of you are going into town." Meliodas said.

"But still, is it smart to send Brooks?" Hawk asked.

"What? You don't trust that I'm capable of protecting you?"

"People might recognize you now that you've made yourself more known." Hawk reasoned.

"Hmm. If that's the case, then how about a disguise?" Meliodas suggested.

A couple minutes later, Elizabeth was being thrown into multiple outfits, each one showing more skin than the last. It was finally settled that she would wear a shawl over her head, while Brooks wore a hooded cape over her shoulders to hide her symbol. After the battle two days before, Brooks had resulted in just wearing her vest after her shirt had been torn to shreds. It was a bit strange at first, but there was no way of her shirt getting repaired. It just meant she had to hide her mark while she was in public so she didn't cause suspicion.

Once they got into the town, Elizabeth and Brooks parted ways, Hawk going with Elizabeth so he could run to Brooks if anything happened, and Brooks didn't move too far away from the two, but made sure it wasn't like she was purposefully hanging close to the two.

It wasn't long until Brooks heard the hoof steps of horses and Brooks adjusted the hood she had covering her teal hair. Looking towards the street, Brooks saw a group of knights riding on the backs of horses.

"Why are those Hell Knights here?" A voice asked, and Brooks turned around quickly at the familiar voice.

"Commander. I knew it was you." The person said.

Standing in front of Brooks was a teenage looking girl with black hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her vivid violet eyes glinting in the sunlight. She wore a purple tube top and tight black pants, held up but a golden belt. Brown leather boots made their way up to just below her knees, tied tightly all the way. At first glance, there wouldn't be anything extraordinary about her. Though that was just from the front. On her back, there were black wing-like markings extending from her shoulder blades extending onto her shoulders. Along with a black M-like symbol between the two wing markings.

"Vivian." Brooks said, a smile on her face.

The girl looked at her with a toothy grin, determination in her eyes. "Sign of the Maiden, Virgo, is at your service Commander."

Brooks smiled, then she glanced back across the road, Brooks saw Elizabeth an Hawk talking with a green haired boy.

"Do you know those two?" Vivian asked, looking across the way, spotting the three. "Hm, Allen's in town, isn't he?"

"Allen?" Brooks asked.

"Yeah, that's the green haired boy. But there's something off about him." Vivian puffed up her cheeks. "He's hiding something and I know it, but he won't tell me!" She complained.

Still complaining about pointless things. Brooks thought with amusement.

"Well, those two over there are Elizabeth and Hawk." Brooks said, "I'm glad I found you though."

"I could feel a lot of energy when you guys arrived." Vivian said, cutting Brooks off before she could explain anything. "The hell knights are back, and they're worse than before, aren't they?"

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