-group of flirts-

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-group of flirts-

"Stacie! How are you? I heard you had a run in with the Nobilis the other day?" a pretty Asian girl walked up to Ana, her silver bangles rattling as she strode up to her confidently in her heels. Ana appraised her, finally breaking out into a genuine smile as she came up to her, along with a few other girls.

"Hello Noelle, I haven't seen much of you around lately," she teased, "getting it on with someone?"

She rolled her eyes and looked Ana up and down for a moment. "Yeah right, you know me, Stacie, I learned from the best, after all."

Ana merely smiled, "Sucking up, now, are we?"

If possible, her smile got a bit bigger. "Why not? It's not like I'm not your best friend, or anything."

She scoffed and shook her head at Noelle in mock anger. "Speak for yourself."

"So, Anastasia, how is it really? Knowing the Nobilis and all, you're going to be having tough competition this year," she becomes serious again, knowing just how much this competition meant to Ana.

Ana shrugged, remembering the party. "Nothing much happened, it was one of the Nobilis' usual parties, you know how it's like."

Laying a hand on her arm, Noelle spoke quietly in Ana's ear so the other girls wouldn't be able to eavesdrop. "Be careful, alright? I don't want to see you getting hurt again."

Ana stepped back, a guarded expression on her face. "I know what I'm doing, Noelle, you don't have to worry for me, okay?"

"I know, I know. On a lighter note, the girls and I are going to the fair later, and we wanted to make it a girls' night out, show off some of those skills you taught us the other day," Noelle looked at her expectantly.

Ana nodded distractedly. "Yeah, count me in. I just need to take care of a few things. Text me, okay?"

"Sure, Stacie, anytime. Meet you there at 5, then?"

Ana flashed her a thumbs up and pivoted on her heel, walking quickly into the school.


Ana headed out to the garage, trying to leave the house without arousing the attention of her mother. "Anastasia?" her mother called from behind her. Damn it.

"Yes?" she pasted on a sickly sweet, polite smile for her.

"Where are you going?" her mother narrowed her eyes at her.

Ana gestured helplessly at the air. "Well, I was going to the fair with Noelle and some other girls, for a night out."

"And why was I not informed of this?" her cold tone made Ana flinch.

"I was told this morning, I didn't mean to keep anything from you," she returned calmly.

"Alright then, but make sure you get your work done," she waved her off.

"Thank you," Ana said, before turning back around towards her red Beetle. Driving quickly and efficiently, she reached the carnival just a few minutes after 5. Stepping elegantly out of the door, she made sure that her shorts weren't riding up and her blouse wasn't wrinkled. She needed to be the role model for Noelle and the other girls, and if her outfit was anything less than impeccable, that would not do.

"Stacie," a high-pitched voice called from behind her, "I was beginning to think you were going to be a no-show."

Ana returned her smile. "And leave you girls to attack those 'poor', 'defenseless', guys out there by yourself?"

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