-drunk flirting-

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-drunk flirting-

A light tap on Ana's forearm brought her attention to the rather attractive guy sitting in front of her. "Yes?" she smiled at him.

Jake leaned back in his chair and grinned good-heartedly at her. "Want to come to our party tonight? It's at our place, and only people with special invitations from us are allowed in."

Ana propped her chin up on the desk, pondering whether it was worth it or not, and the major risks she would be taking if she happened to get drunk and spill everything to the Nobilis. Such secrets were dangerous in the wrong hands. Literally. Eh. Why the hell not? It was the beginning of the school year, Ana was already tired, and let's face it, it was a great opportunity for Ana to get a head start into the game. Screw the risks.

"Sure, why not? I'm free," Ana finally replied. Jake flashed her another pearly white grin before rummaging around in his backpack.

"Here you go," he handed her a small white card stating the admission, address, and time of the party, as if no one didn't know where he, or the rest of the Nobilis lived.

After all, they did pretty much own the town.

"High-tech, hm?" Ana asked.

"Yeah, well, we wouldn't want anyone unwanted showing up to crash our party, would we?" he winked at her as he referred to another party Ana had crashed a long time ago.

Ana felt herself flushing as she too, remembered how mortifying it was to have been caught sneaking in. "That was a long time ago. I've grown up since then," she shrugged nonchalantly.

"I would say," he flirted right back, adding a wink as he examined her.

Smirking, Ana pushed him lightly, adding, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." As they walked out of the classroom, Remy came up to Jake and gave him a high five as he saw the white card in Ana's hand.

"You managed to convince her? Dang, we all owe you one now, don't we?" Remy laughed.

Ana rolled her eyes and turned on her heel to walk towards her car. "I suppose I'll have the greatest honor to be seeing you all later today then, won't I?" she gave a mock curtsy.

"You know it, kitten," Remy sidled up to her. Whispering in her ear, he said, "Make sure to wear something sexy for me, okay?"

Disgusted, she pushed him away, retorting, "Only in your dreams, Remy."

"All the time, kitten, all the time," was the last thing she heard before the glass doors closed behind her.


Arriving home quickly, Ana dashed up to her room in pursuit of suitable clothes for tonight's party. Something more risqué than what she typically wore to a high school "get together", because after all, this wasn't your average party- it was a gathering of the wealthiest children of the town at one of the most exclusive locations.

Digging through her vast closet, she produced a shimmery gold asymmetrical dress with straps crossing her back, paired with black strappy stilettos. Heading back downstairs, she bumped into her mother, who immediately proceeded to ask where she was going. "Oh, a party, mother," she replied evasively.

"With who?" her mother's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"The Merrick's- I got invited today," Ana said, knowing that was all she needed for her mother to give consent.

"Oh, the Merrick's, of course you can go then, sweetheart," her mother practically purred.

Ana shivered disgustedly, "Uh, thank you- I need to go and get ready."

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