"What is your problem with me? Ever since you joined the pack its been like this" Yasmin asked him annoyed.

Jaden wasn't in the mood for a trip down memory lane with her, so he turned back around, sliding in the muddy bank until he came to a stop right at the edge of the water. The rogues' scent was faint here, but those could've been months old for all he knew.

"I'll kill that girl, I don't care who she is" she threatened, but he knew it was empty. She just wanted Mason's attention and failed to realize by now this wasn't how to do it.

Jaden shook his head scoffing and stood to turn to her, "That's your problem, Yasmin. Among the list of things you value human life beneath your own"

"Why should I value them any more than us? We excel in things they only dream of, which is why they're scared of us. Because they know we're stronger, and they should be. I'm proud of what I am unlike you and Mason" she said jabbing a finger in his direction.

Why was she still here? He should be making sure the rogues were all out of town, and yet Yasmin always made him reply to her somehow. He faced her angered glare and laughed dryly.

"I'm not ashamed of being a werewolf, quite the opposite sweetheart; but being proud of what you are doesn't make you better than others. Just because you decided you have power over them, doesn't mean you need to exert it" he growled.

He was letting her get to him. Past memories threatened to fill his mind, but he ignored them choosing to walk away from her instead.

"Is that what your parents believed?" she asked, and Jaden stopped in his tracks.

Stay calm he told himself repeatedly even though shaking muscles, and the echo of pain in his body told him his anger was rising. Mason said he needed to work on his temper, he was a warrior but didn't need to always kill. His hazel eyes turned brighter as he looked back coldly at Yasmin.

"Probably same way your pack believed in it"

"So is that your problem then? You hate me because I don't think humans are like us?" Yasmin asked bitterly.

"There's that, the fact that you're a bitch, and toxic for Mason. You hold everyone responsible for the acts of only a few humans. You're manipulative, spoiled, a coward. Should I go on?"

Yasmin's face was red with anger, and when she sneered her canines had sharpened into fangs.

"I lost my pack to those humans!" she shrieked.

"And I lost my parents and little sister, but do you see me blaming them for everything? Fawning over the next person who could give you a little bit of power so you could exact revenge? No, I trained to become a warrior so I can be strong enough to protect the family I have now. If Mason became Alpha he'd be a lot better for our pack than that traitor Adam." Jaden snapped, standing inches away from her face.

They both stood that way breathing hard and trying to reign in their anger towards each other. Yasmin's eyes darted all over his face. Cold grey eyes like steel in the moonlight, just as she saw his hazel ones burn like gold. After a few more tense moments Yasmin stepped back, turning away and walking.

He expected her to run off in one of her tantrums as usual, but sometimes she did do different and surprise him.

"I'm a better tracker than some warrior wolf. I'm helping whether you like it or not, but I'm doing it my way as a wolf," she said not looking at him.

He wasn't surprised she'd say that. She'd probably rather stay as a wolf than in human form, but if she wanted to risk herself he didn't care to stop her. There were hunters around, so that's why he opted to do this as a human to lessen suspicion of following trained hunters.

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