Chapter 16

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Gabriella's POV 

It was 2 AM in the morning and the plane ride seemed as if it was going to last forever. Since the plane was a private jet, there was a mini bedroom in the back where Tom was now fast asleep next to me.

My head was placed on his chest as I watched him as he slept and I thanked the moon goddess then for the mate that she has given me. Not only is he perfect in the physical area but he's one of the most beautiful souls I've known, that's why he started working for the King.

He'd tell me the truth even when it hurts then we work together to cure the cut. I thought of Tom, then I thought of Danny. How I wish so much for my son to be like my mate. Funny, smart, and that he acts how he needs to in situations.

Tom stirred as I rubbed circles on his chest earning growls of approval from him. "Oh you like that chérie (honey)? All I got was more growling causing a smile to appear on my face.

He finally opened his beautiful hazel eyes and smiled at me. I reached up and kissed him. He sat up and I straddled him. We kissed passionately until both of us was in need of breath.

"Have we arrived?" He asked a moment later. "No" I said before going back to kissing him."Have you ever thought of what you're going to say to your son when you see him?" He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"No" I started as a sudden fear rose up in me. I have never thought of what I was going to say to him, I was just caught up in the fact that I was going to see him again, that I was going to be able to hug him, tell him how much I've missed him, then kill the bastard who've kept him from me.

"Goodnight" I said to Tom turning so that my back faced him. "No, you woke me up. And I'm not tired yet" He said a grin on his face. "What do you want to do, eh?" I said capturing his lips in mine.  

After our love making, I sat there thinking about my son. I was imagining what it will be like seeing him again. Even if I have to sneak around to see him, I will. "What's on your mind coyotte (sweety)" He said placing a kiss on my shoulder.  

He smiled as he already knew the reason. "Bonne nuit mon amour" he said placing a kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight" I said then fell into a deep sleep. 

I woke up to the flight attendant knocking on the mini bedroom door. "Nous sommes arrivés" she said from the other side of the door . "Dáccord (okay)" I said than turned my head to find Tom still sleeping. 

I bent down and place a kiss on his lips and soon he was deepening the kiss and I had to pull back if not we will be here a while.  

I then realized where I was, a place where years ago, I was running away for my life, forced to leave behind the reason for my existence. I was stripped of everything, my family, my pack, all for not being able to wait for the one that was for me. 

Tom slowly stalked towards the bathroom and I was by myself with my thoughts. How would my son react when he sees me again? Will he recognize me? I know now that he have already grieved for me already and the thought of that teared at me. 

Victoria's POV 

I knew where I was going and who I was going to see there and I could not believe it. Danny was going to help me train some of my best wolves in order to help take down his father's tyrannical rule.

"You're not actually going to trust him, are you?" Corey said sitting in the back seat of Jaime's Ford Expedition as Jaime drove us to La Gran Vista hotel. 100 of our wolves were to meet us there and we were to train in the back of the hotel in the forest.

I knew what he was talking about and that he was thinking that I actually had a choice. "The King gave us an order, Corey. We have no choice. I don't trust Danny at all but I trust the King." I said hating how I felt about having to see Danny again.

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