Chapter 2

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Austin's POV

I woke up to the sound of my mom cooking in the kitchen. It smells like....Bacon!!! I checked my phone to see the time. 4:33. Ugh! It's not even 5 yet. I considered going back to sleep but I got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning sweetheart." mom said so sweetly, almost too sweetly for this early in the morning in my opinion. "I didn't think you'd be up this early" "same with you mom," she smiled and looked at the pan of bacon "I thought i'de try this new breakfast pizza, so I got up early and looked up the recipe." this is why I love my mom. She's always going to the extremes to make everybody happy. That's why I'm setting up a secret spa day for her and they boys's moms. I walked over and kissed her on the cheek and said "Mom, you're the best." she smiled and told me

To get in the shower and start getting ready since i was already up.

Alex's POV

I woke up to the a knock at my door. I got up and as soon as I was like 2 feet away from the door I heard singing. I looked through the peephole and opened the door immediately. "Austin!!! It's so good to see you!!!" I moved aside to let him and Michele in. He looked great. He's definatly been working out. i could tell by his toned arms, the way his muscles flexed without try. Wait why am i thinking about this? "How have you been?" Austin asked. I must've looked confused because he laughed and asked why I was staring off into space. "I'm fine. I was just thinking about how we're going to sneak you to the fair without crazy fans chasing you" I lied because I was actually thinking about how hot he was. I can't help it! I have a sexy a** best friend! I know that sounds gay but I'm not. At least I don't think I am. I thought about all the times me and Austin were alone and almost kissed. Maybe I'm not gay. Maybe I'm just Austin-sexual.

~Austin's POV~

Alex kept staring at me with his gorgeous dark brown eyes. His hair was long and messy and he was wearing just a blue shirt and a pair of khaki colored skinny jeans. Ugh what I would do to that boy if my mom wasn't in the room. He looks so hot right now! Yeah, yeah i know I'm a rainbow. But what can I say, guys are hot! I looked at my mom who was on her phone "So what do we have planned for the day?" I asked "Umm there's this new pizza shop in town and I thought we could all go" Alex said "PIZZA!!!" my mom and Alex laughed. "Well pizza it is" mom said.

~Michele's POV~

For a while we sat there in silence. The two boys sat there in silence each of them looking up every so often to stare at the other. It was very.... weird. They were acting like little teenage girls with their "crush". I know Austin's gay but Alex i don't know. Is there something going on I don't know about? I'll ask Austin when we go to out hotel room.

Sorry it's taken forever for an update. my charger broke and I keep procrastinating so anyway here it is. and yeah I know it sucks but whatever😁

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