Part I Chapter II

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I didn't see her for about a week. I don't know if I wanted to see her for the sake of getting to know her, or if i didn't for fear I would see her because she had broken in again. But then, the following Saturday, it was Halloween. I was just getting into costume when I heard a light knock on the window. Problem was, It was the mirror on my dresser. I practically jumped out of my skin! I got up, smearing my face paint beyond any recognition, and got up, turning the chair I was sitting on so that the back was facing my dresser, and sat facing the back with my feet tucked under me. I peeked over the edge of my Hiding Place. There she was. Staring at me. I ducked back down. Wait a minute... I thought. I looked around the edge of the chair. She still sat there staring at me from inside the mirror. I got up and walked over to the dresser. She smiled. I laughed. I kept laughing. Soon I was on my bed, hysterically laughing in my pillow. I looked back at the mirror. Her head was now cocked to the side, her eyes curious. Chuckling, I walked over. "How are you doing that?" I asked, still trying to keep myself from laughing so I could speak coherently. To my great surprise she said
"What the hell is so funny?" Of course, at this I doubled over in laughter, which only confuse her more.

"What kind of projector do you have?" I said, after I'd come to my senses. "

"What?!" She exclaimed. "Try it in English."
"Don't play with me, I know you planted some serious Tech in my room. It's why you were under the table when I almost hit you with my bat. I'm not a moron all the time. Don't play me for a fool."
She took a long second to think before replying with, "okay I won't. Because you're playing yourself for one right now."
Now it was my turn to be confused. "Huh?"
"You heard me. Turn off that big brain of yours and just go with your gut. What was the first thing you thought when you saw me? To hide. Just use that Primal Instinct. How am I doing this?"
I turn my chair back around so it was facing her and sat down. The mirror girl cross your arms and waited, checking her imaginary watch occasionally. I sat forward and took a good long look at her. She was pretty. Long dark hair pulled into a ponytail tucked into a long black baseball cap, her strong tan arms being shown off by her t-shirt, her eyes and unusual blue gray green iridescent color like I've never seen before...
"Hey!" she snapped, pulling me out of my trance. "Quit checking me out and focus!"
"How can I focus when you're starring at me?" I said, although that wasn't the question I really wanted to ask. How can I focus when I can't help but see how hot you are? Is what a more honest version of myself would ask. How could I focus indeed...

I walked over to my bed and grabbed one of my many random throw blankets. I then walked over to the mirror and tossed it over it. Out of sight out of mind right? I turned my back to her, focusing on clearing my desk and head. "What you do that for?!" She yelled, clearly more annoyed than before.
" I have to go somewhere, and I didn't want you to be seen. It's not always a welcome thing for someone to be inside a mirror. She seemed satisfied with that. I grabbed my hoodie in phone and pulled on my hat and ran to the door of our basement, which was also my mom's prep room, and her office.
"Mom, I'm going to the library!" I yell down the stairs.
"Okay! Don't expect any rides if you're not back by 6! I have a life too you know!" She yelled back up. I snatched a set of house keys, just in case she got she was called for work while I was gone, and ran out the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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