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   Now, I know what your thinking. "Here's another rando trying to write a Paranormal Love Story." Not so. I think that, as this is my first story, and I have A bunch of friends on Wattpad, (kikithefangirl is my bestie) I have been writing for a long time. Basically my entire life, and I have mostly perfected my style of writing. I like to consider it fairly unique, although I feel like whenever anyone says anything, it's been said already by someone else. Growing up in Illinois, around the University I've learned to appreciate the uniqueness of each and every person, Their identity, race, sexuality, gender, whatever they do. As long as you are a good, non-discriminatory person, I'm cool with you. Because of that, I will probably write at least a few gay fiction stories. If you have a problem with this, I suggest you stop reading now. I will be talking about feminism, activism, and a ton of other stuff. So if your cool with my conditions, let's begin...

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