Part I Chapter I

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   Ghosts. I find them highly romanticized. They are always portrayed as scary, threatening, paranormal beings. However, when you've grown up with them around, been their best friend, They really aren't that bad. They were, after all, normal people once. Some of them are actually quite nice. I should probably introduce myself, should't I? My name is Ashley Cooper. Call me Ash. My Mother is Betsy Cooper. As for my dad, well...we'll get there. Let's just say, it's complicated. But because of him, I ended up not having many friends. My mother own a Funeral Parlor. It's called " 'It's Your Funeral' Home." Pun intended. She is obsessed with Bob's Burger's, so when she bought the place, there was no question as to what to call it. Anyhow, back on track. It all started one day in October, when the frost was starting to fall lightly upon the dying grass.

   I was sitting on the front stoop, listening to 'Ride' by Twenty One Pilots. I love them. I also love Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Electric Light Orchestra, The Beatles, Lindsey Stirling, Evanescence, and a ton of other artists. At the time, I was reading 'The Giver', which is a really amazing book. I highly recommend it. It is a semi-futuristic story by Lois Lowery about a community in the future that has been overtaken by the sameness, so everyone looks the same, there is no such thing as color, no one knows what love is, nothing. It's freaky. Again, I suggest you read it. 

   Anyways, I was sitting there, minding my own business, when I hear a loud thud inside. Naturally, I grab my baseball bat that was sitting next to me, and run inside. I hear it again, and I hug the wall, bat at the ready. I run into the next room, brandishing my bat like a maniac. I stop, as I haven't hit anything, and I look around. I see something move in the corner, and I peek under the table in the corner. Suddenly, I hear a ear-piercing, blood-curdling scream. I fall flat on my back,  screaming like a banshee, and crawl backwards as well as you can while both holding a baseball bat and being absolutely terrified. I eventually made it to the couch, and I jumped up on top of it. Coming to my senses, I thought, "Am I really this afraid of something that is clearly terrified of me?" In that moment, I realized that, whatever it was, was both small enough to fit in a corner under an end table, and to be all that scared of a 12 year old with a baseball bat. So, carefully, I got up and went over to the table, and looked under the table. 

   There was a young girl there, cowering in the corner. She was quite beautiful. Quite beautiful indeed. She had long dark hair, and lovely copper skin. Despite the terrified look on her face, she still had a look of innocence and grace about her. She was wearing a short cropped t-shirt and slightly ratty jeans. I usually don't think that very many people can pull off ripped jeans, but she did it, and she did it well.

  "Don't be scared." I said. "I'm not gonna hurt you. You know what? I will give you a chance to leave before you get in trouble, and i won't tell anyone, OK? OK." So I turned around for 30 seconds, and turned back around, and she was gone.

Now, if I continue, It will be a SUPER long chapter, so I will begin a new one.

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