Episode 1 : Kaishaa

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My name is Kaishaa (Kay-sha). I'm 28 years old and Atlanta , Georgia is my home. Me and my sisters were born and raised here. We've been through a lot and we're just trying to make it. Me and my sisters all have different talents. I'm the oldest so I don't really focus on me, I just handle their business. Me and my girlfriend Nicki have been together for 8 years. She knows what me and my sisters do and she's fine with it. She knows all we've been through and doesn't judge me or my family, that's why i love her. When i was younger I had to raise my sisters because my mom was always working like a dog, while my father was out making babies. My dad would have children and bring them home for my mother to raise. Messed up huh? He would go have babies with his little hoes and drop them off to my mother like they were puppies. My mom is such a strong person cause I would be in jail . That's why I would try my hardest to help her out with what ever I can. I guess you can call me the glue. I love my mom to death but sometimes I feel like she stole my childhood, and my dad FUCK HIM. STRAIGHT UP! I hate him with every fiber in me. He had the nerve to make all these babies and pile them on me and my mother, and she still had the decency to raise all of us as her own. Then the son of a bitch has the nerve to still be fucking my mother. I swear sometimes I blame her for all that's wrong in my life. SHE'S the one that decided to love him, SHE decided to be a dumbass for him. Even with all of this being said , I still love her. She is ALL of our mom, hell she even named us all. I guess my father felt because we were her "children" she should name us.

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