Chapter 6: FINALLY!!!

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Well Elliott and I just found out that we can eat an entire large pizza together and still be hungry afterwards. Now we're raiding my kitchen for something to snack on cause we're hungry. If I have to be one hundred percent honest it's nice having him here, I'm less lonely.

"Hey, Alex one question," Elliott says as he stands in front of the cabinet filled with a bunch of cereal boxes and a bunch of my sour candy.

"Yes?," I smile awkwardly knowing what the question is.

"Why so much cereal and candy?," He says. I knew that was the question.

"Well you see I have a slight obsession with cereal and sour candy and they both have to be in the house at all times"," I say awkwardly and keep the smile on my face.

"Ok, well I think we found what to eat," he states grabbing the Lucky Charms and and two bags of the sour Skittles.

"I'm down with that and we can put a movie in and make popcorn too," I say and his eyes light up like a small child getting a new toy.

"More food good idea," he says happy about that.

We work together to make the popcorn and decide what movie to put on by the time we decide on a movie we already finish eating the popcorn. We didn't forget about the cereal we agreed that instead of making it and it gets soggy we'd wait till we picked a movie. We decided to watch Guardians of the Galaxy.

We made another bag of popcorn and poured the milk in our giant bowl of cereal. Then finally were able to sit and watch the movie. About ten minutes after we finished eating and continued to watch the movie Elliott fell asleep. I decided to leave him alone we did have a long day in the car. I decided to finish the movie.

I finished the movie and tried to wake him up but failed miserably. I grabbed the remote and just pressed the Hulu button, may I say who ever invented this button should've gotten a raise, and I put on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I got a little too into it and woke him up.

"What is going on, are you dying?,"  he asks rubbing his face.

"No, how can you die if you're already dead inside?," I stare at him confused for a second and turn my attention back to the television.

"Ok well what is going on?"

I groan and pause it then start to explain what's going on and when I finish.

"Why is going on a date with Jake so bad he seems pretty nice and fun?," He asks after I finish explaining.

"Because he calls all the shots on the date and she has to wear what ever he says and say everything he wants her to say and she has to 'enjoy' the date."

"Well she might actually enjoy the date you never know?," he shrugs.

"Well why don't you put your money where your mouth is," I stick my tongue out.

"Fine lets make a bet then."

"Ok fine. If Amy loses and enjoys the the date you get to ride my Harley for a whole month, with me of course, and whatever you wanna add but if she loses and hates the date like she is you have to buy me unlimited sour candy and food. Is it a deal or no deal?," I put my hand out for him to shake and he shakes it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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