Chapter 2: We're as Close as Stranger's

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*>*>*>*Ok so I just wanted to say before I start this chapter is I'm dedicating this chapter to @07203721c because they made me smile and jittery the other day I've been working on this chapter because their comment asking me to update. So I was gonna do a Christmas gift as an update but like just about everyone does that and I've had writers block and will start to think of something but like it'd just be a filler chapter like the last chapter and I didn't want to do that. So I literally rewrote this chapter three times like the very first copy is in my notes ok I'll shut up till the end now.


I wake up to my alarm blaring so loud it could wake up the dead. I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling and the only light is from the little glow-in-the-dark plastic stars I stuck on the ceiling when I was younger. It's still dark in the room because school has to start so early in the morning like, are you serious people why must school start at 7:20 in the morning. Are you trying to kill us all?

I finally get my lazy self out of bed and go into the bathroom because who doesn't love their morning pee? I'm kidding but like I'm not. If you get that. When I'm done doing my business I brush my teeth and do my morning routine. No, I don't have school today because it's Saturday but I gotta keep my sleeping schedule in order. I don't bother getting dressed yet so why not spend the entire day in my pjs.


So I'm currently sitting on the couch watching television and waiting for Isabel to text me back. I get up to go get something to eat. I scanned the pantry and the fridge multiple times finally I settled with making a bowl of Cheerios. I sit down and get a text from Isabel.

Isabel~ Get ready now I'll be there in an hour

This girl always likes to message me when I'm trying to eat. I quickly finish my cereal and then I start to get ready. Shortly after I'm done getting ready Isabel arrives. Just not alone. Oh no this is a trap. I get in the car.

"Hello Alex how have you been", Isabel's mother Victoria smiles at me.

"Hi could you tell me where we're going", I ask her parents who are in the front seat.

"Oh Isabel you didn't tell her," she glares at Isabel who looks down nervously at her hands.

"We're going to The Great Gandalf's, best magic shows on the South side," her father Jason says as he drives away from my house.

"If you're ok with that, we know you don't enjoy magic shows and we understand why," Isabel's mother says with a worried look.

"I'm fine with going, if I get uncomfortable I'll just wait in the car," I smile and she smiles back.

I slowly turn to Isabel and she just smiles innocently but she's anything but innocent at the moment. During the entire car ride I dreaded it. When we finally park I tell Isabel's parents to go get seats cause I have to talk/yell at Isabel.

"I'm gonna kill you," I yell as soon as they are out of earshot.

"I'm sorry I know you hate magic shows. I'm sorry I didn't wanna go alone," she blurts out while she puts her hands up in a surrendering gesture.

"Ugh lets just go now," I sigh.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I say stepping out the car towards the arena.


So for two hours I've been sitting in the third row of this magic show between Isabel and some older guy that has taken his shoes off and is snoring. I'm beyond done with this show.

"Ok so now we're gonna do a classic but with another magician he's newer to the family and this is his first show so lets be nice," the lead magician says as a boy who seems to be around Isabel's and my age, he seemed nervous.

"Ok so because it's my first time being here I've decided to do the simplest trick in the book and I'll work my way up, I'm gonna do a simple handcuff trick," he smiles.

I'm just done at this point and get up and whisper to Isabel and her parents that I'll be in the car.

As I get up the magician dude asks for volunteers then he says, "You in the black walking away." I look around I'm the only one standing, I groan and slowly turn around and walk to the stage.

"Now put this handcuff on," he starts, while I'm putting the cuff on my right hand, and looks back into the crowd, "And you sir," he says and points to someone who I can barely manage to make out cause it's dark in the audience but you can tell he's a male.

As the mystery man makes his way forward I can tell it's the last person I wanna see and expect to be at a magic show. Elliott.

As the supposed magician puts the second handcuff on Elliott he keeps babbling about something I'm not really paying attention because Elliott and I are having a heated staring contest. More of I'm sending him glares and he's smirking at me.

Elliott then whispers to me "I wouldn't expect a girl with such a bad ass bike to be at a retarded magic show," he then smirks.

As I'm about to reply the magician turns to us.

"So I'm just going to drape this cloth over your hands and you'll be free. Simple," he smiles at us then to the crowd.

He places a red cloth over our hands I already know how these tricks work he'll make it look like he's using magic to unlock the handcuffs. As he puts the key in the cuffs they don't unlock. He then tries again.

He turns to the crowd again nervously like when he walked out, "Umm sorry but there's some technical difficulties with the handcuffs and I'll have to bring someone else out here."

Two of the other previous magicians come out and with a case. I calmly stand by Elliot who can't seem to stop staring at me like the rest of the crowd, but they're staring at both of us. They opened the case and there are many keys, handcuff keys to be specific.

*Two Hours later*

So they ended the show early and I've been sitting next to Elliott for the past two hours. Oh I forgot to mention I'm still handcuffed to him.

God please help me.

A/N: So I have a few things to say first is yes the chapter is kinda short but it's the best I could do for now but I have many ideas but that's for later. It took me forever to be satisfied with this and I'm still not but it's the best I can do for now. Now to get to the not so important stuff. Yes that's Tana Mongeau she's like 'Mom' well that goes through Sarah Urie but still she's be the next choice also that's Alex's outfit for going to the magic show. Also the song had nothing to do with the chapter I just thought it went well with the chapter name.
Last but not least who's your guys favorite character so far in the story?? (I'll ask this question later in the future though cause it could change)

                          Peace Loves✌🏻

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