4. We are friends. Right?

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Charter 4

Blake’s POV

I don’t know why feeling this love for Rain is hurting me, but I really can't stop my tears right now. Aleana pat my back comforting me. I can't understand myself. FOR REAL BLAKE? Rain has been with me practically all my life, he is the one covering up for all my stupid teenage escapade. He is the one always by my side in all my down & lonely days. When my first relationship ending badly with my ex girlfriend cheating, when I got in an illegal drug raising accident, Rain had been the one always by my side. If I need to cancel out dates with my girls, Rain is the one whom I send to fix it. Its always Rain and it will always be Rain but I never see him in a special romantic way before this. Finally, I stop crying, yes a 22 year old cry baby. I know.

“I know you love Rain from the start. You can't hide anything from a mother Blake. You practically grow up here in my house. I know when you are happy, sad or even in pain by just looking in your eyes.” Aleana rub my arm comforting like a real mother.

“But mom, I will… I will hurt Rain if I say what I feel now, Specially right after he told me he got over his feelings for me. How can I hurt him after every kindness and goodness he showed me? If I hurt him that means hurting you and Snow as well.” My voice started to crack and tears are threatening to flow again. I shot my eyes tight and hold my head.

“Rain loves you deeper than you can imagine son. He won't put up with all your silliness if he dint love you that much.” Aleana smiled at me warmly.

“I know I am killing him deep inside mom. He knows Kristen is pregnant. And I can see in his eyes that he is starting to drift apart from me. I dint mean to hurt him this much mom, trust me, I dint wana hurt Rain.” I can see sadness in Aleana’s eyes.

“Rain will come around and will learn to accept it. What happen is no ones fault. It's what we call destiny Blake.”

Rain’s POV

“It's not like I never show him I love him… I am always there for him no matter what stupidity he's been doing…” I am venting out without even realizing. People from this Italian restaurant are already looking at me and I guess they think I am crazy.

“Calm down Rain. You're drunk. You started drinking during the photo shoot for Christ sake. Come on I’ll drive you home.” Rupert sounds more concern than annoyed. I laugh hard instead of listening to him.

“NOOOO!!! I will not go home tonight Rupert. We are friends and you will let me go home with you. Right? And guess what Rupert? You can do the thing you keep on asking me for so long now. Tonight you got me all by yourself big guy… hahaha” that’s the last thing I said my tears started to flow. Rupert shook his head and covered my lap with his leather jacket to cover my legs since I am wearing a very short shorts, then I feel him lift me up bridal style from the restaurant table. I hide my face in his chest when I heard cameras snapping and people taking my photos. I growl and thought why are these people taking my pictures. Wana shout at them and tell them to stop because I am not a Hollywood star fuckers! But I don’t have the strength to even whisper because I am actually drifting to sleep…


I'll love you tomorrow... (manXboy) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now