3. I love Rain

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Chapter 3

Blake’s POV

I am caught off guard when Rain tells me I’m going to be a dad soon. It took me about 5 minutes to process what he said. I follow him up in our bedroom. I gentle push the door open. Rain jump in the air, I scared him I guess.

“Jesus! Blake you scared me man.” He was blushing hard and I realize he was only in his black bikini brief. I also blush slightly. I look at him from head to foot. DEYYYMMMM how did he develop this body? His thin, but he has a perfect feminine curves. I'm literally drawling. He throws some towel to me.

“geezzz Blakey your drawling wipe that up. Your scaring me hahaha” He laugh and I tense up.

“Who told you Kristen is pregnant?” I look at the floor because I can't look at him straight.

“I heard mom and you talking at the kitchen yesterday before I went to my photo shoot I din….” I cut her off and move close to him and rest both my hands on his hips. He look down on the floor not wanting to look in my eyes.

“It's not like I am ready for this, but I can't abandon the baby and I can't let Kristen be in this alone. I dint know you like me and I…” Rain holds my face  with both hands, placing both his thumb on my lips cutting me from whatever I will say. Rain looks at me and smile.

“You don’t need to explain. I don’t want your explanations Blake. It's enough for me that you're still my best friend after all this. Forget about me loving you more than just a best friend. I gave up that feelings long time ago. You will be a great dad, I can tell.” Rain’s voice is calm, sweet as always but why do I feel hurt now that he's telling me he is not in love with me anymore. Why dint I have noticed his feelings for me before? Maybe I did notice, but I just ignored it because I’m straight and his 5 years younger than me. I press my forehead with his. I took a deep breath before I spoke, but he speak first.

“I really need to take a bath and I feel naked in front of you. So please get yourself together and let go of my hips you silly big guy. Hehehe” he playfully hit my shoulders and giggled. I’m dead, so dead. Why am I feeling this for Rain. His smile, giggle and his overall self make me feel different. I am soon going to be a dad and I love Kristen and I am straight… I love Kristen.

I decided to grab fresh clothes from our closet, yup, I put my clothes in the Rain’s closet. I will drive him down the school and try to spend more time with him. I am patiently waiting for him to come down from our bedroom. I'm sitting on the couch playing rubric cube. I hear him running out of our bedroom and down the staircase. Why is he so sexy in that very short  denim shorts? Yup, he's wearing a tattered denim shorts showing his long, lean legs, a white V neck T-shirt and a gray hoodie jacket and a light blue converse. 

“Why are you not wearing anything down there?” I said with a confuse look. Rain rolls his eyes and grin.

“Silly, I am wearing shorts don’t over react. As if I don’t wear shorts all the time Blakey.”

“Ok Ok Ok fine. I'm driving you down the school.” I stand up from the couch and grab his wrist even before he can talk. He shook off my hand and let loose from my hold. And walk away from me. I followed him.

“It's ok Blake. Rupert will pick me up and come with me at the school, then we will go to my photo shoot schedule.” Rain is smiling while explaining. He accidentally drops his house key and bent down to get it. That put us both in a not so comfortable position since I am behind him walking too close to him. When he bends down my manhood gently crash in his butt and on instinct I hold tight on his hips so he won't fall face first on the floor.

“Ruppert is on the driveway Rai…..” The door burst open and Aleana, Rain’s mom is shocked to see us like this.

“I almost fall on the floor.” Rain stand up  and show her mom the house key he picked up. We are both tomato red.

“Thanks for the offer Blakey but Rupert is here now. Maybe next time we can drive around….” I scratch the back of my head while rain kissed my cheek as a good buy. “Bye Blake, Bye mom. I will be home late, I will message you when I am done with my work.” He kissed her mom and went running at Ruppert’s car. Aleana smiled at me and touch my cheeks as if to say “sorry your to late to realize he's the right one for you.” I sigh deep and drop my head and follow her in the kitchen.  

“What's with the sad face son?” Aleana calls me son and I like it so much. She makes me feel warm and wanted in her home and family. Not like my mom and dad they are always out of the country on business tour. When they are home, they just tell me how disappointed they are that I’m not like my big brother Blade. Yup Blade, he's a different story. 

“I’m fine mom, is this Rupert always driving Rain every time he needs a ride?”

“Not really every time. But Rupert is Rain’s studio photographer so he book most jobs for Rain. So most of the time they are together.” Aleana smiled and continue unpacking the grocery she bought. I started pacing in the kitchen. I feel uncomfortable knowing Rain is always with that Rupert.

“Blake, I know you're worried, but Rupert is a good guy so you don’t need to worry about your best friend.”

“I am not worried mom…” I shook my head, but dint look at Aleana.

“I know you too well son. Once you started pacing like that and you don’t look at me in the eyes it only means two things. Your worried or you did something wrong.” By this time Aleana is in front of me holding both my shoulder. I sigh and slowly look at her. Her smile is calming and relaxing. Very motherly.

“I… I love Rain mom…” Tears started to flow out my eyes. Aleana hug me tight and pat my back comforting me.


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