Cold War

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Unknown's Pov

I slowly crouched down on the roof of the collasping hotel building."Rotego!"I called out.I heard heavy footsteps walk towards me."Cut them off before they reach Uratuco,"I ordered.I heard a grunt before the heavy footsteps thudded away.I put the binoculars up to my eyes and watched the American soilders trudge through the snow.

"Sir.The Americans have reached the ambush point.Permission to start?"Perze asked.I replied with a quick"yes" then zoomed in on my beautiful artwork.I heard a gun shot,then Sandman dropped to the floor.

I let out a evil laugh.A gunfight started out.My squad had the highest ground and the most troops."RETREAT!"I heard a deep voice shout as loud as he can.I watched the American troops drag Sandman away.

"Don't count us out just yet,"I heard a voice behind me.I turned around and crossed my arms.

"Price-"I nodded at the brave man."-you know as much as I know that you can't win this war,"I grinned showing my crooked and jagged teeth.Price held up his pistol at me.

"Well I guess we'll find out then,"He said confidently.Before he could shoot,he was sent flying across the roof.Rotego stood in the door way,with his hammer hand in a posistion as he had just swung.

Price slowly sat up with his Desert Eagle pointed at Rotego."Don't you see Price?My zombie formula was a success.Not only that,but I made it stronger then before,"I gave him a evil smile.Price looked at me with horrified eyes."Rotego!Finish him!"I ordered.

Rotego let out a primal roar before lunging at Price.Price rolled out of the way,also rolling off the roof.Rotego got into a leaping posistion."No Rotego.Let him run.We got more important stuff to do then chase after him,"I commanded.

I threw the cigarette I had off the building."It's coming,"I smirked.

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