Bus 405 - Part One

Start from the beginning

"Someone who has an extra donut." I looked up and a smile started to overtake my face.

"Barry?" I smiled, he had changed so much! Shoot Barry! I quickly shoved the drawings in my bag praying he didn't see them.

"And I believe you are the infamous Willow Blake?" I wrapped my arms around him embracing him in a hug.

"It's been forever!" I tried to recall the last time we met face to face.

"I know, I missed you."

"Who wouldn't" I joked and gestured to the open seat. We both sat down.

"So, how was Canada?" I asked remembering his family trip.

"Canada?- Oh ya, it was great," He stuttered, "I went skiing?" For some reason he sounded confused, he went to Canada right?

"Okay... um, Oh! Congratulations to you and Iris! you guys really are a cute couple!" I smiled and dismissed his odd behaviour.

"Thanks, Willow, I'm happy it's finally happening," He stated.

"Took long enough!" I joked hitting his arm. "You've had a crush on her for like, what? 15 years?"

"Feels like that," He laughed.

"So... can I have that extra donut now?" I smiled pointing at it.

He laughed and shoved it over to me, "Will you ever change?"

"Nope," I said through the bites of the chocolatey treat.

"So, Willow I have an important question for you." He started and I looked up.

"Shoot," I responded ready for anything.

"Did you ride bus 405 less than 4 weeks ago?" That I was the one question I wasn't ready for.

"Maybe, why?" I said trying to figure out what he knew about it so far.

"The people on that bus were exposed to a dangerous substance," He informed sounding exactly like the nurse from the hospital.

My mouth dropped and I swallowed, "How do you know this?" Did Barry know I had powers?!?

"It's a case at CCPD, now Willow, were you on that bus?" He asked again more serious this time. If he knew people got powers maybe he thought I had them too. If I told him the truth, what would happen to me! Would he arrest me? Or take me in? Would Barry do that to me?

"No, no I wasn't," I lied then asked, "what was the substance?"

He sighed and looked at me, "Don't you normally take the bus every day? Willow this is important," he pursued. Maybe I should tell him... If this was a very deadly substance I could be in some trouble! I was about to tell him that I was on the bus when it hit me, how did he know I rode the bus every day? Was I a case he was put on? He didn't come here to get a coffee and just happened to see me, he was sent here to interrogate me!

I stood up and grabbed my things, "No Barry, I was sick that day and I couldn't make it to College," I lied again and started to leave. "It was nice to see you again."

He sighed, "You too," then he added, "sorry for the hassle, I was just trying to do my job, I really did enjoy talking to you again."

I opened the doors and left Jitters walking away from Barry. I felt bad, he was just doing his job, but it didn't matter that he was my old friend, I had to keep my secret safe, from everyone. I turned down the back lane taking a shortcut to my apartment.

"Give me your purse," I cold voice commanded and pushed me into a wall pulling out a gun. I stared at him in shock fearing for my life. All my papers were in this bag, not to mention my money!

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now