Chapter 2

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It was the next morning Y/N got up and got dressed. She walked down the hallway and grabbed her coat and purse then walked out the door.
Y/N passed my The newsie circulation gate and as soon as she passed it, a group of boys bolted out of it. Y/N quickly pinned herself against a wall to make sure she didn't get run over by any of the boys. Y/N watched them run by with determination and pride on their faces. They looked like a group of guys on a mission.
Y/N spotted a familiar newsie amongst them, Racetrack. "It's a good time ta be alive m'lady!" Racetrack chanted tipping his cap to Y/N as he ran by.
Y/N smiled and waved to Racetrack.
That boy truly is a mystery. Y/N thought as she continued to walk to Tibby's.
"Who was dat?" Albert asked running along side Racetrack.
"Jus a goil." Racetrack answered brushing the question to the side.
"She a leg of lam?" Albert asked bumping Racetrack's shoulder.
"Pfft." Racetrack laughed brushing his shoulder off with his hand.
"Ooo, Race got a goil?" Mush asked.
"She's not my goil." Racetrack defended.
"Betcha wish she was." Mush nagged.
"Shut up." Racetrack shot back stealing Mush's cap and sticking him in a light headlock.
It was the end of Y/N shift, she was cleaning dishes in the back with Wheeler when he asked a question. "What do you think of the newsies?"
"Why ya ask?" Y/N questioned.
"I don't know, just trying to start conversation." Wheeler shrugged.
"They're alright." Y/N answered.
"You know some of them are pretty handsome." Wheeler teased.
"Pfft, Whatever." Y/N laughed flicking a little water on Wheeler.
Y/N liked Wheeler, he was the best boss a person could ask for. He cared for his employees, and only waiter, Y/N.
"Even if I did like any of them my father would be highly against it." Y/N said.
"Your father is a stern one isn't he?"
"Oh, yeah. Took me a whole year to convince him that he should let me get a job."
"Well, I think the dishes are done, your free to go." Wheeler said.
"Have a good night!" Y/N called as she stepped out the door.
"You to!" Wheeler called back waving goodbye.
"Heyo!" A familiar said.
Y/N looked up to see Racetrack holding on to a lamppost and leaning outward.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked.
"Jus wanted ta say hello." Racetrack said tipping his cap.
Y/N smiled. "How's the strike go?" Y/N asked.
"Pretty good, we's stopped all the other newsies from selling papes today." Racetrack answered jumping off the lamppost.
Y/N rummaged through her purse and pulled out a couple coins. "Here." Y/N exclaimed holding the coins out.
"Hold on a minute I's can't take ya money." Racetrack declined.
"Well you need it. With the strike going on your going to run low on money. You can't go forever without eating." Y/N explained dropping the coins in Racetrack's hand.
Racetrack took his cigar out of his mouth and looked at the coins. "Where do you get your cigars?" Y/N asked trying to make conversation.
Racetrack looked up and stuffed the coins in his pocket. "Traded my muther for a pack of these things." Racetrack said jokingly.
Y/N laughed picking up on his joke.
"What? They was corona's." Racetrack added putting the cigar back in his mouth.
"Well I'd best be going, good luck with the strike." Y/N said walking away.
"Hold on a minute! Wait!" Racetrack called.
Y/N stopped in her tracks. "What is it?" Y/N asked.
"Two things. One thanks for da spare change. Second, would ya mind coming over to da Lodging centre tomorrow?" Racetrack asked fiddling with his fingers .
"Is that your way of asking me out?" Y/N asked with a smile.
"Nah, I jus thought you'd like ta meet da other newsies. I's think ya get along with them quite well." Racetrack explained.
Y/N paused and thought about the offer. "You know what? Sure" Y/N gave in.
"Really?" Racetrack asked quite surprised.
"Sure, I got nothing better to do."
"Well then, see ya tomorrow." Racetrack said.
Y/N nodded her head and walked away.
Racetrack stood along on the New York sidewalk. You know she's quite nice. He thought.
Racetrack was only joking when he offered that, but he felt happy when she took him up on the offer. "Ya know we could be great friends." Racetrack told himself before walking back to the centre.
A/N nothing to say just thanks for reading
The Author

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