Battling Fear - Chapter 6

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“Sorry to interrupt,” A young man said as he entered the room. Sean knew he had seen the boy around but wasn’t sure of his name.

“No problem. We are here to help each other. What can we do for you?” Sean answered.

“I don’t know if you remember me. My name is Zack Grovier. I know I am just a kid but I have an idea. I wanted to discuss it with you.” The young man replied.

“There is no room to worry about the age of the person with the idea anymore. This is survival and we all need to contribute. Come on in and tell us this idea of yours.” Missy replied while taking a seat near Sean.

“Before all this went down I was attending classes in hospitality management, focusing on vacation and ski resorts and such. I think some of the principles employed in that area may be of use to you all.” Zack answered.

“I can see where they may come in handy. What do you think would help us out?” Sean answered.

“One of the first principles is keeping them on site and spending money at your place offer a little of anything they need to keep a life routine without leaving the resort. Second was to keep amenities you couldn’t offer nearby and easily accessible and if possible under your control.” Zack said.

“Makes sense from a business standpoint but what does that have to do with here?” Missy said. She could see where he was heading and it was a good idea but she wanted him to put it all on the table to know how much knowledge he had. She glanced at Sean to see what he was thinking and the look on his face let her know he was listening and ready to hear the kid out.

“From the trickle down I caught working in the kitchen, we are going to be living in shelters like this for a while the threat is nowhere near over. Many people are used to living on their own and taking care of their own business. The will rebel after a while we need to make them feel like even living all in one place we are still independent and a community not a bunch of refuges banded together to escape an immediate threat. There are twelve rooms on the main level here that have not been earmarked for anything as well as the auxiliary building behind us with close to 25 rooms.” Zack began trying to lay it out quick but thorough for them.

“Following you so far. Keep going.” Sean responded as Zack took a breath.

“From what I have gathered, the government has pretty much fallen. We are on our own and it won’t be long till anarchy takes over people will be looking to make their selves powerful. It is human nature. Everyone wants to be the boss. First thing they will realize is that all the money in the world is no good without a government to back it. Second thing is that scavengers though who go out and find things have the power to make or break us at this point. I suggest we issue credits. Have everyone turn their money in and receive credits for it then to receive credits for jobs they do around here. Set up a committee or something to be in charge of the major decisions so everyone feels they have a voice. Then use those extra spaces to set up shops. We have seamstresses, florist, cooks, farmers, wood workers and more than enough to set up some shops. Have the farmers set up a garden top floor in the auxiliary building start growing food. Put in a grocery store, a clothing store and such allowing them to use their credits to get things they need and keep their pride. Set up a small restaurant for spell evenings in one of the rooms here, an indoor mini golf in another. Maybe a hair salon somewhere, just stuff that they can feel a return to normalcy.” Set two rooms on the lower room as VIP rooms for visitors and that can be rented for the night for honeymoon or such special events and set up a chapel somewhere. One that will allow each religion to kind of use it in its own way or even two chapels as needed.” Zack stumbled to a halt needing to readjust his thinking and get a grip on his self. He wanted to hear what they thought.

“Some of this we had thought of some we hadn’t you seem to have a good idea on your shoulders how would you like to join our planning committee. We can use your forethought.” Sean answered.

“Forethought heck sounds like he has already written a plan for what we were just coming to recognize.” Missy said.

“Kind of and kind of not one of my assignments I was working on when shit hit the fan was converting an existing place to a vacation get away. I was using a similar building setup in the south county area. I think some of it will transfer here. But it was meant as a vacation place not a home place so not everything is in the plan. Like the committee and the credits and such that has only came to my attention in the last day or two but I was thinking this building if it couldn’t be returned to a school could have promise in making the plan come to life. Working it through in my head as I went about my duties, then when I overheard the conversation that we might be in for a long haul here I thought I should share the ideas.” Zack said.

“What duties are you performing at present?” Missy asked.

“I’ve been helping to organize and stock and clean the kitchen and storage areas. I am good at organizing so I volunteered.” Zack stated.

“Sounds like a good use of your skills. But for now I want you to go to each of my department heads and ask them to meet me here after dinner. I want you to join us and bring your plans we will discuss what can be incorporated. Then return to your duties as before.” Sean stated.

“Yes, sir.” the young man replied. He then exited the room in a hurry to do as asked and return to his work.

“What do you think?” Sean asked turning to Missy.

“I think we each need to sit down and write our own plans before the meeting tonight. That way it will have been thought out a little more and we can compare the plans and mix and match to come up with the most beneficial result for our people.” Missy stated grabbing a pen and paper and exiting to the receptionist desk without waiting for his reply.

They each began trying to make plans for everything that would be needed to run a community within the building they had and possibly annexing the auxiliary building with in the plans. It shouldn’t be hard to close in the covered walkway and make it a part of their current building once max made sure it was empty and safe.

Missy caught herself in mid thought they couldn’t rely on max to clear every building they needed to train a team to handle these issues. First thing on her list what training and who would be on it volunteers would be best. Slowly time slipped by as Missy and Sean filled page after page of papers with notes for tonight’s discussion.

In the kitchen Zack rested between supplies being brought in at a table in the corner going over and fine tuning his own plan and notes. He wanted to bring the best of his ideas tonight. Mike watched him work and allowed him to discuss ideas and bounce them off him. He felt pride in the young man who had come to him only two days ago. No family left but willing to fight to survive the kid and balls, gumption, skills, and brains. He would make a great ally in this battle. Mike was so glad he had befriended him.  While they all worked peacefully in the shelter outside the shelter even the daylight was not preventing battles from breaking out as the salvage team encountered resistance.

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