Battling Fear

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"Everyone ready!" Cass yelled.

"Ready!" Sean returned from the kitchen as he made his way to the living room.

"Ready!" Jack and Berry hollered from upstairs before rushing down to them.

"Ready!" continued being called out all around the house as more and more men gathered in the living room.

It had only been a matter of months since the converts had made themselves known. Society as they had known it had fallen. The shelter Cass and her friends had set up at her house was full. There was no way around it, a second shelter was a need they could no longer afford to ignore. Eventually the hold outs would be looking for a place to stay as well. It was do or die and the group had decided to do it. Plans had been made and hopefully it would be a mission with as few hitches as possible. 

Cass and the men left the house and headed into town. Max had supposedly kept the converts out of the school last night. If all went according to plan they would be ready to open the second shelter there within a day or two. On the way to the school they picked up the priest at the church. He was prepared to help bless the school and secure it for the use of the community.

"Remember Max attempted to keep anyone from entering at day break but there is no guarantee there was no one already inside." Cass warned the men. "He did a quick search but I still believe we need to do a thorough search first thing."

"So what is the plan?" Sean asked.

"Clear the building and secure it today if we have time we will start stocking the building." Pieffer answered.

"I know that. I am talking about the division and search areas." Sean countered.

"I'll take Zalazar, Pieffer, and Stephenson with me. We will take the basement. Sean you will take Mikelson, Comber, and Grovier with you to the main floor. Berry, you and Jack join Coulter on the second floor. Stay together be careful and sweep the floors well eliminate any threat. Check closets cabinets anywhere that a convert could be hiding from the sun. Father, could you please wait in the car until we are sure the building is secure." Cass ordered.

"I could but I won't. I will wait right here in the sunlight outside the door in case of emergency." The priest answered pulling out a metal cross that Cass quickly noted also contained a point. Seeing her look at it he informed her. "It is an old crusade weapon. A knife designed to be passed off as a cross."

"Your call but be careful. You are one of the most important allies in this battle we have." Cass replied.

As the priest took up his position Cass and the men entered the old school. Slowly they separated into groups and began to search their assigned quadrants.  Cass felt chills tingling up and down her spine. This school had always seemed spooky to her when it was nearly empty but now it was downright frightening. If it wasn't for the fact of that they needed the space for a shelter, she would just as soon let this place go. But then, they didn't need a place this big that could hide a large number of converts right in town either. If for no other reason than that, the building needed cleared and secured.

Cass knew in her heart if any converts were hiding in the building it would be in the basement. The farther they could get from the sun the more secure their instincts would make them feel. Cass and her men made quick business out of searching the building. Still it was taking forever for them to finish the job. Two hours later as they turned to return to the main floor a convert stumbled out of the furnace at the smell of fresh blood.

Cass fired quickly out of reflex but the convert kept coming. What was she thinking converts were not susceptible to bullets. Cass reached her hand into her jacket pocket removing the cross stake it contained. Stepping forward she allowed the convert to charge her. Just as it reached out to grab her, Cass feigned to the left and swung out with her hand. The stake landed squarely in the convert's chest penetrating the heart and all action or movement was stopped as the convert fell to the floor.

Pieffer stepped forward and swung the machete he had been wearing on his side decapitating the convert. He then grabbed the arms as Stephenson bagged the head. They took the convert out into the sunlight and allowed it to finish their work. Shortly, after the others had joined them back out front and the building was clean and secure. The priest was led into the building. As Jack and Sean helped him to begin the blessings, Cass and the others started gathering the supplies needed to set up the shelter.

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