Chapter 1

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"Are you really mad Elena?! These pictures given from Grigore's aunt,  isn't  that enough for you? It shows that he cheated and betrayed you! It's nothing you can do about this, he's already married!" Tata Petru looks really ire when I told him I was going to the city for Grigore basis on the address given by Tia Marita (Grigore's aunt)  to me. 
"I don't believe these damn photos..." I tore all Grigore's pictures into pieces which was showed he happily carried and cuddled a five-months-old child with a woman (look older than him) who's his wife. "..I don't believe he cheated me. these aren't true..!" My tears began to trickle down to my cheeks. "..He promised me that I'm only one he loves... whether you agree or not, I would really travel to the city, I will find Grigore!" I said, I went running to my room.
I don't have plan to listen anything of what my father says. I know he's so angry of what I do, but it couldn't change my decision again! Whatever happens, I leave this house.!  leaving this province of Moldoba and go to the city. I'll travel wee hours tomorrow.
I closed the door and lock it.
I am bewilderedly stupefy. lying in my bed with my mind is really mess. I cried until I ran out of tears. I try to calm down myself, as I have not yet meet Grigore and talk to him, there is a possibility that those pictures is not likely to be true and to all of what Tia Marita spoken by. I realized and thought that Tia Marita was not preferred me that I'm the one who will marry to her nephew. She tried separated us. That was one of the reasons why Grigore went to the city for work. She likes for her nephew a better and abundance life. 
Grigore that time was hurried to went to the city and work there for our future he said. But before he go, he promised and sworn to me that he would go back and we get married when the time has come. I was convinced of him. That's why I would be able to get him to the city even though Tata Petru's relationship with me is breaking up because of my opposition to him... I don't know if because of tired from crying or feel a heaviness of mind and the emptiness of heart, I fell asleep..

Slowly, my eyes open. I feel the headache but, I got up straightaway when I remember this day, I'm going to the city! Quickly picked up the bag I was prepared last night where some of my clothes were in.
Before go near and unlock the door, I looked at the clock, it's 2:15AM. I feel both excited and nervous that I did not want to see Tata Petru. However, I startled when I heard the loud voice of Tata calling my name. I noticed he don't have taking a sleep instead waited me until I walked out from my room.
"you're still thinking to leave.! Are you really going to against me?! You've got the guts to disobey me and being disrespectful to your own father.!"
"Please, Tata.." Tears started to welled up in my eyes.. "..please understand me, I really love Grigore so much. He's the only man I wanted to be my side for all of my life."
"You are really insane! you're the one to understand that Grigore is gone! He never be coming back to you! He have a child and a wife in the city, he'd got a family! A married man, Elena! MARRIED! Did you understand that single word.!? Why do you still want to go after him?! You are only causing trouble!"
"I don't wanted to argue with you Tata.. no matter what you say, it doesn't cease me to leaving home. you can't stop me to travel in the city..!" I couldn't hold myself to raise my voice.
"Fine then, go ahead! do what you want! But, don't you dare to return back here in our province! As you leave, I don't want to see even your shadow! You choose the man who betrayed you over than me! Then, forget that you have still a father because from now on I don't have a daughter anymore..! I don't have an impertinent child.!" Tata Petru is very upset. I saw he fought to hold back his tears to flowing down. I'm feel really sorry for Tata but my decision is final.. I kept going and walking. I will travel to the city ....

(to be continued...)

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