Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated  to the user @DrarryNerd35

Milo's P.O.V

There I was, on the kitchen floor, crying my eyes out. Daddy was going to be so mad when he got home. I broke his favorite cup; his mom gave it to him on his birthday. I'm the worst baby ever! I don't deserve Daddy! None of his hugs, kisses, lullabies, or any of his attention. Oh no, maybe if I hide, he won't find me. I scurried into one of the cabinets, closing it very quietly. I hear Daddy's footsteps in the living room, then the dropping of his bag.

"Mi (my) I'm home, baby," his voice rang in the quiet house. I didn't come out though; I thought if I stayed quiet, he'd go to our room, and I could run for it. That's not what happened, nope, at all. All my hope was gone when I heard him in the kitchen.

" Mi, I brought you chi—MY CUP! MILO!" The rage in his voice was so noticeable that it caused the color to drain from my face. I didn't come out thought. I wasn't dumb enough to face him when he was this angry, even if it wasn't my fault. Jack had never hit me, but his words were like cobras—poisonous and hurtful. I couldn't stop trembling. I was so scared that he would find me and start yelling. I heard him leave the kitchen to continue his search for me. I took the opportunity to crawl out of the cabinet, and I slowly made my way to the living room. I was almost to the hallway closet when I was grabbed by the back of my shirt and quickly spun around.

"WHY DID YOU BREAK MY CUP?" He was fuming.

"I-I didn't mean to"—he cut me off before I could say anything else.

"I DUMB FUCK! MY MOTHER GAVE ME THAT AND I CAN'T GET ANOTHER ONE!T ANOTHER ONE!" He furiously slammed me against the wall.

"Y-you're hurting me." Pain shot up my spine.

"You think this hurts your feelings for --"

Beep! Beeep! Beeep!

I shot up from my sleep, my body drenched in sweat. That nightmare only occurs when I get nervous. I know what you're thinking: "What could you possibly be nervous about" Well, just so you know, today happens to be Valentine's Day, and our school always has this dance, which I normally go to with someone I met on Instagram, but I promised myself I would ask Mason to go with me this year.

AN- I'm not feeling the story anymore so if you guys have any suggestion please tell me

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