Chapter 7

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Thank you, lovelies, for supporting this story even though it has been rough and discontinued for a while. As promised, here's your update.

Mason's P.O.V

When I eventually arrived home, my mind was racing with more questions than answers. All of this crap with Milo is so confusing, and finding out that my closest buddy was also involved made me rethink everything. I spent hours after doing my schoolwork studying DDLB, and the more I discovered, the less I wanted to remember. I promptly cleared my history and turned my laptop off. What the heck is wrong with these people? I take out my phone and open Instagram, looking for Milo's name, thinking that perhaps I was mistaken about him and he wasn't like these people. His page doesn't show but I find another post that Milo was tagged in. Zay's boyfriend and Milo sat on the floor in matching dinosaur onesie, coloring sheets all around with broken and entire crayons. My face contorted with loathing. These nuts were totally into it. Milo, at least, had the sense to make his account private, but Zay's boyfriend shows this garbage with no remorse. I close the app out of contempt. How could my best friend act like this? Maybe that's why he never let us meet his partner and remained quiet; he was only attempting to blend in and conceal the true monster he was. I have to tell Milo off; I don't want to be caught up in this, and Zay needs to quit the group; if others find out, it will ruin the rest of our reputations. I take my towel and clothing and head to the shower, hoping to wash off some of the ick. I haven't done anything wrong yet, I still feel dirty. After my shower, I slip into bed, not looking forward to what tomorrow holds.

My alarm sounds. I silenced it; I was not ready for today. I feel numb. I'm losing my best friend. If I can even call him, I feel like I don't even know him anymore. Taking my precious time to get ready, I throw on a hoodie and joggers and make my way to school. I've never noticed how crowed and loud it is in the mornings, but maybe it's because I'm already agitated that it seems this way. Going to the gym so I can put my stuff away, I don't pay attention to where I'm going and bump into someone knocking their paper out of their hands. I quickly apologize and help pick up their stuff.

"Wow Mason you must really have something on your mind; you're not usually this clumsy." A small giggle follows, and I realize it's Milo. As he reaches for the last couple of papers in my hands, I quickly rip my hand away, dropping the papers back on the floor.


"Don't touch me, you fucking creep" I say, standing back to my feet. Milo looked shocked for a second before standing up and getting in my face.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. What did you just call me?" His voice is calm, yet anger is still laced within his words.

"I said you're a fucking creep," I respond angrily, knocking him back. His papers are once again strewn across the floor, but neither I nor him make an effort to clean them up.

He pokes me in the chest, "I don't know what your problem is, but don't take it out on me when I haven't done anything to you." His anger is obvious. A small group of people has gathered around us, all of whom are curious about the conflict that is just beginning to take shape. In anticipation of a fight, cameras begin to flash as everyone begins to film.

"Actually, you are my problem, you and all your little sick daddy fucking fetishizing friends" I snap back. Milo looks utterly confused for a second before realization sets in.

"You ought to quiet down and quit talking foolishly about something you clearly don't understand." He refuses to budge from his position, unfazed by the abundance of cameras focused on us. These freaks are fucking shameless.

"Oh, I heard all about your little nasty ass fetish. Your dad dies, so you grow up missing him so much that you pretend other men are him just so you can fuck them. How pathetic. Even if he wasn't dead, do you really think he'd fuck y-" Before I can finish my sentence, Milo punches me square in the face.

"Never bring up my father again, you fucking scumbag." Milo growls before storming off the crowd, gasping in anticipation, probably thinking I'd run after him, but I don't. I got what I needed to say off my chest, and now everybody will know about his vile actions.

After going to the nurses to get my nose cleaned, I returned to my normal schedule. Milo was thankfully missing in all our classes. The video of our encounter had already been seen by most of the school, and honestly, I felt no remorse; he deserved to be outed for having thoughts like that. Maybe now he'll realize his views are wrong and seek the help he truly needs.

*A/N- I'm trying to rework some things, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. There's more to come!

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