Texting the marauders

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Sirius🖤: *dick pic*
Y/N: I want to see your abs, not your penis, we've been over this before.
Sirius🖤: Fine
Moony🐺: Why is Sirius making James take a bunch or pictures of his abs?😂
Y/N: Beats me🤷🏼‍♀️
Moony🐺: Mmhm.
Prongs🦌: I hate you.
Y/N: Oh? Why is that?
Prongs🦌: yoU kNoW whY.
Y/N: Hey, he makes his own decisions, I'm not in charge of his brain.
Prongs🦌: Whatever.
Sirius🖤: *pic of abs*
Y/N: Ooh, tell James he has nice camera work.
Sirius🖤: Really?
Y/N: Uh huh.
Sirius🖤: Ugh fine.
Prongs🦌: I don't hate you anymore.

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