Chapter 5

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“Do you know any place with magic?” Jared asked.

“Egdur is where I’m from, and it houses some decent mages.”

“Are there, like, magic items?”

“You were serious with the power and something?” Rikke was washing his wounds in a river, while letting the horses drink.

“Of course! I need something to make me powerful, rule over the rest of the world.”

“What you’re looking for can be found in one place.”

“Where?” Jared asked excitedly.

“Up your ass.”Rikke laughed.

“Hurry up, we need to go. It’s about time for my brother to catch up with me.”

“You know, I don’t get it. Why did you have to steal that sword?”

“This sword is the greatest sword present in the world today.” Jarred drew Mooncleave and showed its gleam. “I had to bring it with me. It proves to be very helpful.”

“If it wasn’t for that sword,” Rikke said. “You won’t be chased by your father and brothers, who bring with them, armed and mounted men-”

“Don’t forget, there’s Lector, a knighted warrior who can kill while pissing in the grass.”

“The gods, why did Lector have to be part of this?”Rikke was drying himself.

“Of course he has to be a part of this. It’s what makes everything fun!”

“Fun? Is this only a game to you?”

Jared raised his hand. “Don’t forget who’s the liege and who’s the knight.”

“Cock sucking vow, should’ve let you die with the bandits.”

Jared laughed. “Nice try, weakling. There’s a lot of time for you to get smarter with your insults.”

The two packed up, readied their horses and left.

They were riding in a rode, and the trees grew less dense. Now it was more of grassy plains and glades. Jared rode closely to his knight, sharing a map while they both discussed.

“Right now we are leaving the Moonshire, but we have two options.” Rikke focused intently on the yellow map he swore he always brought with him.

“Two?” Jared asked, skeptical.

“Yes, there is Rikfast and then Iron Bay.”

“Which is the shorter route?”

“Well, passing by Rikfast would save us time, but you mentioned your father going to Raymar for help?”

“Yes, he would ask for it, just because he is desperate.” Jared held back a chuckle.

“Okay, so I think that Iron Bay would be later in receiving the news. Rikfast would definitely be faster, saving us time, and it has villages and small holds apart. Iron Bay has a few places to rest including their main keep.”

“Rikfast definitely sounds better-”

“But, Egdur is closer to Iron Bay than Rikfast, its main hold, I mean. We can go directly to my home instead of making stops in other places.”

Jared broke away from Rikke, and said, “Iron Bay it is. Why don’t we visit Lord Damon?”

Rikke’s eyes grew wide. “Are you mad!? The man will ask us our business and when he finds out of your theft, he will return you to his father. No, we must visit the smaller holds and villages and stay in the wilderness.”

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