Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Little Will

Start from the beginning

"Ava." A creepy voice whispered.

"Ava, Ava."

"Ava. Ava. Ava." It mocked.

I swallowed hard, my mouth going dry. My eyes darted around and I caught movement in my peripheral vision. A cold hand grasped my arm and I yanked it away, yelping and leaping from the tree so fast, I slammed into another. Shadows darted through the mist, surrounding me, their sinister laughs echoing through the darkness.

"Ava. Ava. Ava." They chimed.

"What do you want?!" I shouted, my voice cracking at the end.

"Ava!" One sang out. The shadows seemed to be closing in on me and I willed for it to all go away, but it didn't.

Killian's words echoed through my mind "It's the Wailing Forest... it's haunted..."

How could I have been so foolish as to let my curiosity get the better of me? Pretty blue orbs or not.

The shadows took form, appearing through the mist and surrounding me as vile, twisted beings. They had long arms and claws that extended from the tips of their fingers. Their bodies were tall and lanky, hunched over, wicked smiles like carved jack-o-lanterns split across their jagged faces. Eyes like two endless pits, drawing me into the dark.

They slowly closed in on me, cutting out the light from the moon and stars. They reached out towards me, the air now so frigid my face was numb, "Stay Soul Bound. Stay with us, forever." They gurgled out, "There's no where else you can go, but to the darkness." Their clawed hands brushed against me. They felt like ice, so cold, their touch made my skin feel like hundreds of thousands of needles were pricking into it.

"Get back, you disgusting poltergeists!"

A purple light emanated from around their frightening forms and they let out shrill screeches, dashing back into the folds of mist. Killian rounded the tree I stood pressed against, his hand extended towards the forest around us, magic pouring from his fingertips, "Ava, come here, the light won't keep them away forever!" His green eyes pleaded with me. He didn't have to tell me twice. I pushed off the tree, visibly shaking and took his outstretched hand, "What were you thinking wandering all the way out here alone, did I not tell you this forest is haunted? What else did you expect to find out here, leaping unicorns and skittle trees?" Keeping his glowing hand faced towards the shrieking ghosts, he led me back through the trees, stepping over roots and winding around rocks.  

I was still terrified, so much so, I couldn't even get a single word past my lips. Is this what came with being a Soul Bound? Poltergeists and darkness? But what about the good? There was good. Elizabeth Nixon, Nuala, those were just two examples.

We came out of the forest, panting and a bloodcurdling scream rang through the night. West was on his feet the second he saw me and Illius was already striding towards me with a concerned look on his face. Nigel stood from the snow covered ground and shook, before huffing disapprovingly, his wolf ears twitching.

"Are you alright?" Illius asked, his blue eyes searching mine.

I raked a shaky hand through my hair, and opened my mouth, but Killian beat me to it, "Poltergeists found her." He shook his head, "It's my fault, I failed to take precautions. I should have put a protective ward around the grove, it would have kept them out."

"Is that what that ear bleeding noise just now was?" Illius frowned, shoving his hands into the pockets of his coat.

"It wasn't your fault, Killian," I blurted, finally able to get myself to speak, "I-" I cut off as a blue orb flew from the forest, dancing around my legs, "Hello, again." I looked down at it and it beamed up at me.

Forever Entranced ~Book Two Of The Soul Bound SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now