"N-Nayoung.." I called out, that called her attention.

"You're the panicky type" Nayoung simply spoke.

"W-what? Nayoung! I need to go to school!!!"

"You reek of weed, and you're mildly stoned not major, but its probably your first time, it'll seem like a lot. You'll get caught" Nayoung explained. I thought about it for a while, it was true. I was never good at lying, and I did feel a little.... different.

It wasn't too different, it was a timid difference as in my head felt a little dizzy and my eyes, just my eyes, were feeling warm and heavy, that's it. I had full control of my thoughts and actions, so I knew I couldn't be high, hopefully not.

How did she guess me so well..? How can she tell if someone's 'mildly stoned' how can she tell I've never smoked before.. Well.. Never mind that's kind of self explanatory. I thought as I stared at Nayoung who turned a TV on and playing video games.

Is this all she does while everyone else is at school..? Get high, lay in the tub for relaxation, and play video games? I don't want to be like that. I thought as I stared at the door, Could Eunwoo still be outside waiting peacefully for me to come out?

Before Nayoung could get to into her game I reminded her of Eunwoo, she walked to the door and checked around, no one was there. My heart broke, I wonder if this would hurt her feelings, I can't imagine what she could be thinking right now.

I check my phone a few times in hopes that maybe she would somehow message me and ask what happened, so I could apologize for ditching her and ask how long she had to wait before giving up and leaving. Everything was going by way too fast to guess when she could've possibly left.

Suddenly I got her message you okay?? Is that girl actually bad news?? She sent me. At this point I couldn't tell if she was bad news or not, she smokes and has the looks of bad news, but she is also super smart and actually really... Gentle.

Nayoung suddenly paused her game and quickly ran upstairs, it was the most bi polar thing I'd ever seen. When she came back down I couldn't stop myself from.. Smiling.. And adoring her. She came down with the coat I had given her a while back when we first met, She handed the folded coat to me.

"I would've given it to you sooner but I kinda forgot where you live" Nayoung explained, I nodded with a smile.

"Thanks.. I actually forgot I gave you this.." I hardly explained. My head felt super light headed and my eyes were now completely heavy and once my smile was on I couldn't seem to get rid of it, so I walked around to get my mind off it.

When I got near the backyard door I noticed something strange; she had a treehouse in her backyard, But how? She just moved here, she couldn't possibly have time to create this. It must've been left as a gift from the old house owners.

"That was left behind by the old owners, I've furnished it so its more.. Me.. I guess. You can go in it if you want" Nayoung explained, I nodded and took that invitation for granted, making my way towards the ladder to the treehouse.

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