Author's Journal

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The idea of writing a journal has been on my mind since I began on chapter six. I wanted a way to let you, the reader, know that I'm really working on this story, even though it does not always seem like it. But let me tell you one thing: I will not leave this story unfinished, no matter what!

So here it is; a journal from me to you. A journal in which I'll write all sorts of things, from raw ideas for the story, to recaps of interesting writing sessions. A journal in which you can propose your own ideas for the story, and react to mine. A journal that will be entirely spoiler-free.

A journal that'll hopefully be a fun addition to the story, both for you and for me.

'Till next time!


Chapter Six definitely is one of the harder ones to write, all thanks to Minho... :)

My problem with Minho is that I just don't quite understand the way his mind works, which makes it incredibly difficult to write him in a more serious situation like in this chapter. Luckily, I have a friend who's the real-life version of Minho, so I constantly ask her for advice and have her check what I've written.

However, that doesn't change the fact that I'm sort of stuck. Yes, sort of stuck, not entirely stuck. Sort of stuck because I do know where I want to go with this chapter, but I don't quite know how to get there...

Today, I wrote a fair bit. A new idea had popped into my head, and my Minho liked it a lot, so I decided to try and see what I could do with it. I suppose I'm somewhere in the middle of the chapter now, but it could be less, depending on how long it'll turn out to be when it's finished.

I'll definitely try to write a lot more in the next few days because I just realised it had been ages since I published a new chapter. So maybe, just maybe, you'll have "Chapter Six - (no idea what to call it yet, but probably something with 'nocturnal')" next week.

See you soon!


Uh... I accidentally killed Thomas just now...

I don't quite understand how I did it without realising I did it, but when I read over what I had written, it really stood out to me that Thomas was very much, well, dead.

I'll rewrite it and resurrect him, don't worry about it. I still have some plans with him for the coming chapters, so he cannot die right now. But since I've promised that I wouldn't spoil the story, I won't go into further detail on those plans, or on whether Thomas is going to stay alive.

But, me not telling you my plans doesn't mean you can't tell me yours! Would you like for Thomas to make it to the end, or would you be interested in seeing what would happen if he wouldn't? And what about the other characters?

Lots and lots to think about ^-^

Bye for now!


I am truly sorry...

There was a tiny crisis at my weekend job, which turned into a 35-hour job for the past week, and I had a quintillion other things I needed to do and places I needed to be, leaving me with no time to write.

This week, however, I've got all the time in the world. I've solved the problem of "not knowing where I want to go, but I don't quite know how to get there." - 26-06-2018. And I promise I will spend every spare minute I have either on writing, or thinking about what I will write.

Luckily for both you and me, the only person who has actually read this journal at this moment in time is me, and it doesn't seem like anybody else will anytime soon. I've lost the only person who had this story in her reading list by not updating for to long, and the Fandom seems hardly alive right now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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