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No ones pov.:

The apartment door burst open bumps,pants and moans are the only noise heard. A boy with straight and raven black hair with blue/green/yellow eyes tangled a pail hand in the hair of the boy only a few inches taller. The ravenet tugged at the brunettes hair the brunette let out a moan cloths fell to the floor. Just to have that skin on skin contact both stumbled up the stares bumping into walls. The ravenet pushed the brunette on to the the black,gray and white bed but colored didn't even come close to crossing there mind. Both only in there boxers and both painfully erect both wanting to be free of the fabric between the two. The brunette moaned as the ravent hissed as the haven haired boy pushed on his erection. The ravenet trails hot kisses down his neck leaving hickeys the brunette moaned then the raven haired boy kissed his neck knowing that is one his secret g-spots. The brunette arched his back he grinds there croch together both moaned.

              ×RING RING BITCH!!×

No ones pov.:
Dan moaned in disappointment and glared at his alarm clock for interrupting his dream. He pulled up his covers to see morning wood he groans in annoyance. He gets out of bed he dosnt bother to put on a shirt he walks into the bathroom and turns on the cold water he strips out of his pajama bottoms and boxers. He get in to the freezing shower and lets out a screech and starts to turn on the hot water. A nock at the door is heard "dan are you ok?" His house mate/ crush and best friend asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine" phil just yelled "ok and hurry up I wanna eat and watch Tokyo ghoul!" Dan face palmed because he forgot that they started to wait for each other to wake up so they could eat and watch anine together. Dan yelled "ok" dan quickly washed his body and hair. He got out and looked at himself thinking 'why must I look like a poodle when ever I'm wet?' Dan raped a towel around his waist and walked to his room. He pulled out boxers,black pajama pants and a big lose t-shirt he got dressed and dryed his hair not filling like fighting with it right now. He go's to the bathroom and puts on deodorant and some axe body spray. He grabs his laptop and phone we walks into the living room and he sets his stuff down he walks into the kitchen to see phil covered in flower? "Oh my God phil what where you doing!" Phil lets out a nervous laugh and says " um ok this really did happen ok so I was fighting uhh ninjas yeah they were um....flower ninjas and they um wanted..um to take you cereal and I was like no evil ninjas you can't have Dan's cereal only I can do that and uh they used uh um uh flower bombs and then I went all dragon ball Z an-." Dan just held up his his hand wile laughing dan said threw laughs "you get to clean it all up." Phil poked out his lip trying to act innocent  he was looking at dan with his lip poked out wile making a pouty face and looked at dan with blue/green/yellow eyes. It was almost to cute to resist...almost. But dan had plans on eating,watching anime and braking his back in his browsing couch cress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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