Sneaking Out

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Peter's P.O.V

Ned walked in the expensive home and looked around. He finally settled down and yelled, "Pete this is so freaking cool."

"Yah it is," I said casually.

Michelle looked around and said, "so show me ur room."

"follow me and I'll show you my room and maybe even Dad's"

Tony heard me and yelled, "go in my room and die." I smiled and yelled back, "I wont!!!!"

I opened my door and Ned yelled, "this is..........."

Michelle interrupted him and rolled her eyes. "Yah yah, this is Bad asssss, okay we get it that's your favorite phrase, it gets old."

Ned ignored my girlfriend and touched my table with electronics on it and I smiled and whispered, "pretty cool isn't it."

Ned shook his head and said, "bro I love your star wars wallpaper."

"Yea it's pretty cool too, right?"

Ned nodded his head and Michelle looked at me and touched my shoulder. "Is that a spiderman bed?"

"Yah it is, but to top it off its comfy too."

Ned looked up quickly and said, "dude I had the best idea, how bout we have a sleepover just us."

"Yah," I quickly said. "Wait but im going out as spiderman tonight, I said with a frown."

Ned thought for a second and said, "I'll  help u by ear piece and stay in your room."

Michelle crossed her arms. "What about me, can I join."

I scratch my head and gave her a look. "your a girl and um were boys. "

"Soooo your saying......" she said with an annoyed look.

"Well my Dad gave me the sex talk once he found out were a thing, so um idk. What will your parents think?"

"My parents always fight they don't even notice me, so they won't give a crap."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "fine, but you'll be hanging out with Ned untill I get back from my spiderman duties." She nodded her head and said, "lets eat first, before u go."

I smiled and yelled, "okay."

We walked in the kitchen to see Tony looking at the tv. He turned and said, "got pizza for you guys, oh and Petey no spiderman for about a week."

I looked at him with anger in my eyes and yelled, "why?"

"Because the crime rate went up by 70%. Oh and a terrorist group escaped prison, so no spiderman."

I rolled my eyes and took a bite of pizza and whined, "I don't care about terrorist, they won't hurt me, most likely they wont even lay a finger on me."

Tony looked at me eating my pizza and yelled, "no your not going!!"

"But.....," I said

"But nothing," he yelled. "You are not going and that's final!!!!"

I shook my head in anger and grabbed a pizza slice and yelled, "your not fair Dad, your not fair!!!"

Tony shook his head and sighed as I left to my room and dragged my friends along.


I sat in my room pacing around as Ned and Michelle exchange glances. I looked up and yelled, "i'll show him that im old enough, he'll be sorry, I'll catch that stupid terrorist group."

"Just calm down Peter, that's too dangerous," said Ned

I turned and look at him and yelled, "who cares im not a normal human."

I grabbed my Spider-Man suit that I had before the war and put it on, without caring if they saw.

I turned and said, "im off see yah."

Michelle looked at me and whined, "Peter, you thick headed fool, you could wait untill it's safe, like your father said, I just can't afford to lose you."

I turned around slowly and she pressed her lips against mine. "My face turned red and I kissed her back and then let go from her kiss. I stared at her and said, I have to go, but I love you."

She shook her head and yelled, "don't go please, because I can't afford to lose you."

Ned nodded his head and said, "yah Peter better not go buddy. "

I looked at them and said, "I got to prove myself, I just have too."

Ned knew I wasn't going to take no for an answer so he whispered, "go ahead, we'll connect with you by ear piece, but dude stay safe."

I nodded my head and said, "see yah" and opened the window. I looked at Michelle with her head down low and said, "I love you."

"Love you too, Loser," she softly said.

I turned around and laughed, "man I better go before Friday tells Tony. "So uh, C ya," I yelled.

End of Chapter

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