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Tara's P.O.V

I sat in my room sealing the letter that I had written for Tommy. I wrote in the letter how I missed him too and what had been going on. The only part I didn't tell him was the cutting. He would go crazy I he knew I cut. I told him that people bully me at school and that I had broken ribs. I told him how Mom and Dad are and how Tamra is.

I then went downstairs and out the front door. I walked down my driveway and put my letter in the mailbox. When I went back inside I saw Mom walking in.

"Hi mom."

"Hi sweetie. How was school?"


"Good. Well I have to go upstairs and take my tests so if you need me then you know where to find me." I watched my moms heels click up the tile stars and I watched her disappear up the stairs and go up to the third floor. I walked into my room and locked myself in. I then heard a knock on the door. I went to the door and saw Richard.

"Hey Richard. What's up?"

"Oh I was just wondering whether you want Chinese or Thai." He held up 2 bags. I thought to myself.

"Or you could have both." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I think both will do since I will be in here." I grabbed both bags and ten said a quick thank you. He walked down the hallway and down the stairs. I once again locked the door and I turned my tv on. I then started watching episodes of Faking It on Mtv. I think it's a good show but others think it's just plain weird. I open up one bag and see that it is Pad Thai. I eat a little and then stop. I save the rest for later. I put it in my food cabinet. I keep a bunch if food in there. Cheeze its, Goldfish, a big bag full of candy bars, protein bars, granola bars, gardettos, and now Thai and Chinese food.

I turn off my tv and sit by my window. I stare out the window leaning my head against it. I then write in my Diary like I usually do on Saturdays.

Dear Diary,

This week was horrible like usual. I got beat with a bat by Harry, punched in the face by Kendall, and then kicked in the stomach by Harry and Beau. Today I went to the mall and saw Beau working at hot topic. I cut my wrist twice yesterday. I saw today that I got a letter from Tommy. I wrote a letter back. I can't wait until I can get out if high school and then move to New York and go to NYADA (New York Academy of Defining Arts) and follow my dream. Also in the letter Tommy sent me he said that he has a stash of money that has $20,000 that he has been saving up and he is giving it to me. That's all for now.


Tara Marlene Dean

16 years old

9:46 PM

January 10th, 2014

I put my diary back in it's hiding spot where only I could find it. I the went into Tommy's room and grabbed the money. I looked around his room and saw a picture of him and his girlfriend kissing. She is beautiful. She died a few years ago because of getting stabbed to death. It broke Tommy. He cried for days and months. He never stopped.

I felt bad for his girlfriends family. she was so nice. I had met her once when she came home with Tommy from school. She was super nice and she was super funny. She had a great personality. She was so sweet. Her and my brother were even talking about getting married after they finished college. After staring at the picture for what felt like ages, I walked out of his room and then back into mine. I locked the door and I sat by the window watching groups of people walking by laughing.

I remember in the 6th grade I had a bunch of friends and I wasn't bullied. This was before Tommy went to prison, Before his girlfriend died, before I was bullied, before I cut, before my life turned into hell.

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