Nayeon: They are having a vacation with their girlfriends.

Tzuyu: oh is that so. Tell them I miss them.

Jihyo: We will. Tzuyu we need to go, we still have something to do.

Tzuyu: ah alright. I'll just talk to you next time.

Jeongyeon: take care of Sana bye.

Nayeon: bye tzuyu

Tzuyu: yes, unnie. Bye.



I saw Sana standing infront of the building as I arrive. I stop the car infront of her and let her go outside.

"Did something happened?"I ask and hold her hand.

"None" She said and I nod.

"I have miss you already," I said and start driving away.

"Aw, I miss you too. I can't stop thinking of you the whole day," she said that makes me smile.

When we reach the hotel I let her change her clothes first, while me laying at the bed. I saw Sana brushing her hair and now wearing a pajamas. She looks like something bugging her.

"Sana are you okay?" I said and stand behind her to give her a hug.

"Yeah, I think I need to tell you this now," she said and face me.

She looks so worried.

"Is this that serious?" I ask and guide her to the bed so that we can sit.

"I think so, you might hate me if I said it to you," that makes me more curious.

I grab her both hands and smile at her.

"I won't, whatever it is I will still love you," I said.

"Really?" She ask and I just nod.

"So what is it?"

"Are you familliar with artificial uterus?" She said that makes me more confuse.

I think I heard it in one of our topics in highschool.

"I just heard it before, why?" I said and it's now making me nervous.

"It is a device that can grow a fetus outside of the body,"

Oh, right, I heard it before and I learned that they tested it on goats first but I didn't know that it can be used on humans now. Wait is she gonna tell me that, now way.

"The device for humans first came out here in Japan, then China and it now starts using around the world. Tzuyu, I tried it- no not try. I used it," she said thats shock me.

"I thought you abort the baby?" I ask in confusion.

"No, I just say it to cover things up. I'm not stupid enough to kill a precious baby but I'm also not strong enough to stand for it, to stand a mother for my baby," she said that makes her burst out crying.

I just pull her closer to mine.

"That night, when our friends saw me, it's the day that the operation happened. Ths doctors told me that I should stay there for couple of days but I remembered my parents may come back home. That's why I escape. I ask some help from one of the nurse," she continued.

"Why did you do that, you might still have some things to do there after the operation,"

"No, there's none, they said I just needed to rest because it's a long operation and it will weakens me,"

"Why did you have to do that? It may costs alot of money where did you get the money?"

"I can't remember the exact amount, all I know is that I withdraw some money from my back account and I borrowed some money from Chungha. I was scared what people might talk about me. I'm scared to ruin our family's name, I know dad will be so disappointed when he found out that I got pregnant to the guy who he despise.

I was scared that I might lose you, Tzuyu. My feelings for you starting to build that time. That's why I did it," she said.

Chungha is one of her friends, I heard Chungha is a trainee to be an idol.

I understand what she's trying to say and it's normal to be scared. Atleast she didn't abort the baby but is it really that safe.

"Is that device safe? Are you sure it won't have side effects on your baby?" I ask worriedly.

"I did an research before doing it and I saw positive feedbacks about it. Successful outcomes,"

"Are we able to get your baby back?"

"They have told me if no one pick up the baby after nine months of being inside the device the baby will automatically go to the orphanages," she said and I felt sadness in her voice.

"We will get your baby. Do you want to take care of it?"

"Of course, he's still my baby, my own blood and flesh. Is it okay with you?"

"Why are you asking that. Of course it's totally fine with me. Like what you said it is your own blood and flesh, I will love him like the way I love you, m'lady," I said and she hug me tighter.

"Thank you Tzuyu,"

"It's nothing, Sana. Don't worry I'll do everything to find him and get him back to you. It's a him? So it's a boy?" She nods at me.

"Do you gave him a name already?"

"Yes, it is required in the form that I filled up. It's Jeong-in," she said that makes me smile. What a cute name.

"Don't worry I will get Jeong-in back to yo," I said ans she hug me tight again.

"He is maybe one year old now since it's been a year that it happened,"

"He's maybe also near one years old,"

She nods and hug me tight. I wish I could get back her son as soon as possible. I hope I won't encounter much problems on this.

A/n: The artificial uterus, I only learned it from my teacher back in highschool. I'm not sure if it's already legal in some countries.

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