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Name: Lia

Age: UNKNOWN (made in 2037)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: straight

Type/Model: RK800 android

Serial number: #332 895 194 - 47



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Personality: cunning, courageous, selfless, kind, friendly, intelligent, obedient.

Uniform (Android):

Deviant outfit:

Deviant outfit:

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Crush: Connor

Back story:
She was put on a mission alone to do with a deviant, upon finishing the mission she was assigned a new one to work with Lieutenant Anderson and Connor another RK800. While on a mission her and Connor end up on the main road trying to get to a deviant that had crossed the road to escape, though the deviant was in a moments reach Connor had been clipped by a car and was laying on the road, her decision to catch the deviant or to save Connor wasn't one she thought much about at the time of the incident. Her immediate action was to help Connor and allow the deviant to escape, taking a scolding from both her partners and Amanda. Later on after having saved Connor on the main road, she develops feelings that she shouldn't have and starts to become a deviant. Though hiding it relatively well, Connor soon discovers her change in behavior and wants to report it to Lieutenant Anderson. However in order for her to get away she ran off in the middle of a mission and went to Jericho where she later saw Connor again who was trying to follow his mission plan and bring Markus to the station.

Strengths: she's an android with assassin skills not much more to say.

Weaknesses: her main weakness is Connor, she'd do anything to keep him safe and alive.



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Amanda isn't overly fond of her and is afraid she will change Connor into a deviant.

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