Take My Hand

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He reached out and took her by the hand, his perfect skin actually touching her and she gazed at him, the sparkly blue orbs he called eyes reaching out to her, piercing into her soul. She felt his grasp, so perfect, strong and soft, the way she always dreamed it would be, and in that second, the world stood still, the gaze of the people watching, waiting for her response, but she could only stare, lost in the dream that had actually become reality.

"Now my lady, all I ask for is but one kiss."

Her heart beat faster, she thought she'd faint, dissolve into a puddle on the floor below to be mopped up by the janitors. She couldn't do it, but here he was, and her mouth went dry, the words to say at this time completely leaving her. She was clay to his masterful hands, a puppet to be flung to and fro with the strings of his words.

He paused for just a moment, and she only nodded, the bliss of the situation far too much for any more of a response.

"Would you do me such an honor?"

She nodded, her world spinning as his lips got closer, the sweet, moist, oh this was just too much. She wanted to jump out of her skin, screem to the world that Shawn Matthews had kissed her. But even the greatest anticipation couldn't prepare her for this. Her lips touching his, she stepped up, wrapped her arms around him, brinign him close, him so close that his body heat warmed her frozen hands. She wanted to let loose a squeel of joy, but was sure if she did than that would ruin any chance of him seeing her for the princess she was behind the nerdy glasses and dorky braces.

He pulled away, and she reached out, for she knew what must come next. 

"Farewell my maiden, for duty calls and the king needs me. Worry not, for I shall never forget you even in the midst of this great war that has fallen upon our fair nation."


"You okay Kelsey?" he asked placing his hand on her shoulder causing her to jump.

"Yeah Shawn, just a bit stressed from the play being over, that's all."

"Understandable, but they loved it. You're a pretty good actor too."

"You really think so?" she asked, awestruck by the fact that he could give her a compliment like that.

"Of course, maybe I'll see you around school sometime."

He walked away, but she didn't care. Shawn had talked to her, even complimented her, and while it may have only been part of a script, they had kissed. She couldn't ask for anything more; her life was now complete.

A/N: This was written a while ago based off a prompt my friend Ellie gave me that I took and ran with. See, I can write romance without violence!

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