The Mission

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The Mission

The alarm clock rang, and she slowly stirred in her sleep. The dreams of pandas and penguins ran through her head as the noise pounded against her, and her mind couldn’t quite figure out what was happening around her.

The start of a new day often came this way.

A gentle pounding against the blissful realm of dreams.

At least until I took my shotgun to her alarm clock.

I never did like Justin Bieber’s music.

This woke her up, quite quickly, as I’m sure it would anyone. Having a professional sniper standing in your window sill with a gun pointing at you isn’t something most people sleep through, not even Nian.

“I liked that clock,” Nian said rubbing her sleep out of her eyes.

“My hand slipped. Don’t worry about it.”

“You’re getting me a new one, right?” she asked, slowly getting out of bed and getting changed. “I mean, that’s the third one you’ve shot this month.”

“If you’d actually wake up on time we wouldn’t have this problem.”

She brushed off my comment as she pulled the katana out from her closet and hooked it across her belt. “Right, so who ware we killing today?”

“Master said something about a drug ring in Brazil.”

“So you’ll need me to translate again?”

“Probably. I’ve brushed up on my Portuguese, but after the last time when I called the president’s wife a bloated cow, I should probably let you do the talking.”

“Sounds good.” Nian jumped in the window sill with me and took a deep breath. “You know, Trevor is starting to get suspicious when I miss our dates.”

“Then we’ll take this guy out quickly and you can still meet him for the movies this time. Though I’m sure he’d be heartbroken to miss another chick flic.”

“We’re actually seeing an action flick tonight. Something about samurai fighting in Japan. Probably be something boring and unrealistic, but it’ll keep him happy.”

A/N: Yeah...I don't know. Does that surprise you? This started with me thinking of the cliche opening up a story with waking up to an alarm clock, so I decided, why not blow it up?

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