T: That is so unlikely. We have kids watching over us.

Y/n: Well.. they already know so... I think we can show a little affection. you don't like it?

T: I loved it, babe.

Tony brings you closer as he puts his hand on your shoulder. He opened the car door for you and the kids is being very excited on the back. You waved at Kate for the last time before Tony's car go down the road.


In no time you arrived at the aquarium. The kids run to the entrance excitedly as you and Tony is walking behind them. Tony still hug your shoulder to keep you closer to him and you just feel calm being closer to him, especially after last week with Alex. You are feeling that Tony will always be there for you when you needed him. You can hear Peter and Kevin yelled at you and Tony as they want both of you to go faster.

P: Mom, come on!

Ke: Dad, come on!

T: we almost there, kids! I wish I had more time with you today.

Tony whispers his last word and you just smile at it.

Y/n: We have extra time after they passed out because of tiredness.

T: You have very naughty today. I loved it.

You smile at him again and put your hand on his chest to make him patience. Tony paid for the tickets, you want to pay it for you and Peter but he doesn't let you.

The four of you now entered the Sea Aquarium. Kevin and Peter are very excited as they smile very brightly and you can see they jump from one aquarium to another one.

They stop at the Shark's aquarium and you can see their mouth is wide open. You go to them and take a picture. They are just so cute.

Y/n: Tony, look at them. They seem speechless.

You laughed a little to Tony and he just so agree.

T: Why are they so amazed of this aquarium?

He knocked the glass of the aquarium as Peter and Kevin yelled at him.

Ke: Don't knock it, dad! You can break it!

P: Yeah! The sharks can eat you in 5 seconds!

You laughed at it as you put your head on Tony's right chest. You can also feel that Tony is laughing.

Ke: Why both of you are laughing? It can be a serious matter if the shark escaped!

P: Kevin is right! Have you ever saw it on TV? It can eat your whole body.

Y/n: I don't think the glass was made that easy to break, Kev, Pete.

T: She is right, it made of very thick glass. We will be saved from just one knock.

P: Really?

Y/n: Of course honey. Its okay to knock it, but just don't too loud. If you knocked it you can even see the shark closer as you stole the shark's attention.

Ke: Can I try?

P: Can I try too?

T: Of course go ahead. If something happened, I'm right here.

Peter and Kevin are starting to knock the glass of the aquarium as one shark approached them. They stopped knocking the glass and you can see their pale face since the sharks are approaching them. The sharks are getting closer to they when Tony suddenly yelled to surprised them.

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